Is there a safe and simple home remedy for your nagging cough ?
Is your child's fever serious ? When should you take him to your doctor ?
Your husband has chest pain. Should you panic ? Is this heartburn ? Or a heart-attack ?
Solutions to the daily health problems we all encounter every day can start with this comprehensive self-care guide from Healthwise.
While health care crises of cost, quality, and staffing continue to make headlines, Healthwise has been helping people transform their role from passive recipients of health care to active, engaged partners.
Since 1975, people continue to use and trust the family of Healthwise Handbook to help them:
Do more for themselves.
Ask for the care they need.
Say “no” to the care they don’t need.
Used by employers, hospitals, and health plans, the family of Healthwise self-care handbooks are proven to help improve self-care, reduce unnecessary doctor and emergency department visits, and increase consumer loyalty. They are the "aspirin" in the information formulary, because they offer solutions to many common health problems for very little cost. They help a family make basic decisions about:
Prevention, home treatment, and when to call a health professional.
How to make wise decisions about tests, medications, and surgeries.
How to make lifestyle choices to improve health.
People turn to the Handbook about seven times a year. One client reported saving an estimated $34.5 million in unnecessary doctor and ER visits in just 30 months with the Healthwise Handbook . Over 30 million copes of the Healthwise Handbook have been sold worldwide !
The unique feature of this new edition is Go-to-Web icons which direct you to the online Healthwise Knowledgebase for more in-depth information, combining the convenience of print with the depth and currency of the Internet.
Covers more than 200 common health problems.
Provides help with topics ranging from ear infections to diabetes with clear, easy-to-understand information and full-color illustrations.
Go-to-Web icons connect to the online Healthwise Knowledgebase.
You can order this invaluable book online now ! This is the authorised low-cost high-quality Indian reprint of the latest US edition. We will ship to Indian addresses only . It's only Rs 395 ( including the cost of couriering to your address in India). It's a great gift to give to your family members and employees too !
We ship to Indian addresses only !
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