Friday, November 16, 2007

How consumers make health care decisions in Massachusetts

How consumers make health care decisions in Massachusetts " In light of the dearth of credible information for making health care decisions, it’s not surprising that Massachusetts adults spend little time in choosing doctors and hospitals.Indeed, most spent no more than an hour or two collecting information the last time they had to choose a doctor or hospital (compared to several hours or days spent in choosing a car), and nearly six in ten (58%) chose their last hospital in less than two hours, with 40% making their decision in a few minutes. Similarly, 55% chose their doctor in less than two hours, with 30% saying they only spent a few minutes deciding. Those without post-secondary education spend the least time selecting their doctor. Sixtytwo percent of those without a college degree say they spent no more than an hour or two deciding compared to 52% of college graduates."

How can patients be expected to make intelligent decisions without enough data ? No wonder so many people feel that the medical profession is engaged in a conspiracy of silence against patients ! It's high time we started giving patients what they need and what they want - and this will help us to become better doctors too !

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