Wednesday, September 25, 2019

When does the embryo implant after the embryo transfer ?

There's still a lot of mystery around the IVF process, partly because most people weren't paying too much attention in the human reproductive biology class in the 10th grade !
A common question I'm asked is - how long after embryo transfer does implantation occur?
While the answer depends on whether it's a Day 3 transfer or a Day 5 transfer, the reality is that implantation is a continual process. There's no magic Cinderella time which occurs so many hours after the transfer, which is special , or which determines the outcome.
Remember that implantation is an intricate biological dance between the embryo and the endometrium, which involves a process which takes over a week . This includes apposition, adhesion, as well as invasion.
All of these have to go like clockwork for an embryo to implant, and it's a miracle that it happens so frequently and uneventfully in the bedroom for fertile couples so routinely !

What to find an IVF clinic which respects your time and intelligence ?

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