Saturday, September 28, 2019

How do you calculate how many weeks pregnant you are after IVF ?

Lots of IVF patients who get pregnant are confused when they calculate their due date after an IVF treatment.
And it's not just confusing for patients - it's confusing for family physicians , as well as some gynecologists.
The reason for the confusion is because when obstetricians date a pregnancy, they talk in terms of gestational age. In clinical practice, this refers to the menstrual age, and not the embryonic age. This makes sense, because most pregnant women know their last menstrual period ( LMP), but not the day they ovulated and got pregnant.
This means that when fertile women miss their period find out they are pregnant in the normal course of events, they are already considered to be four weeks pregnant. Now, biologically, this makes no sense , ovulation and embryos  implantation could only have occurred 14 days after the last menstrual period ! This means that even though the  embryo's age is only 14 days or two weeks ( as calculated from the date of ovulation, or DPO = day post ovulation) , in clinical practise , the woman is considered to be four weeks pregnant.
There's always this two week lag between the embryo's age and the clinical gestations age, when we date a pregnancy.
You need to keep this in mind when you're calculating your due date after IVF.

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