CIGNA Well Informed uses evidence-based care guidelines to identify gaps for prevalent conditions in care patterns, disease management, medication adherence, national standards of care, and patient safety. Using these guidelines, it is possible to evaluate physician treatment patterns at the patient level, and patient adherence with their physician's recommended care.
The Well Informed program is intended to support care management efforts by helping to:
- Increase patient compliance with your treatment plans
- Increase preventive health activities
- Support you in managing chronic disease
- Prevent potential adverse drug reactions and avoidable medical errors
- Inform you of prescriptions and services your patients receive from other physicians that could impact your treatment plans
- Alert you to potential divergence from common standards of care
- Bring together disparate pieces of clinical information
- Encourage patients to be involved and informed about their health status
- Flag potential urgent patient health issues and/or concerns"
I can't imagine this ever working in the age of health care insurance "suspicion". I have Cigna and, at first, thought that maybe this was a considerate service. But, my feelings changed as calls from Cigna increased...and so did their intrusive questions about my health. They are not physicians, yet they were giving advice freely on what I should "consider" medically and other statements directly contradicting my physician. Insurance companies don't care about your health--they care about the bottom line. They're looking for anyway to deny coverage and cut costs.