Sunday, February 03, 2008

Legalise kidney sales

Legalise kidney sales: "India's law against the sale of body parts hurts kidney-sellers who are poor.

Laws don’t work against the economics of a marketplace. India’s illegal kidney transplants are proof of that. They take place because our law against the sale-purchase of body parts outlaws a money value being attached to a kidney. But a kidney’s priceless for a person with renal failure who needs it. And his need transforms a poor, healthy man’s kidneys into a liquid asset. Selling one fetches him say, Rs 1 lakh, bank interest on which can help to keep his family afloat. Meanwhile, his one kidney begins to do the work of two. Contrary to common belief, parting with a kidney is so safe that healthy donors in western nations aren’t even charged higher premiums by life insurance companies.

India’s kidney trade thrives because the transaction benefits both the kidney-buyer and the kidney-seller."

This is why I think economists are smarter than doctors , lawyers, politicians and activists !

We could apply the same model to surrogacy as well !


  1. Anonymous12:34 PM

    How risky is it for a kidney donor to survive with just one kidney. What are the factors to be kept in mind?
    Please help m with this information.


  2. Sir,
    How risky is it for a kidney donor to survive with just one kidney. What are the factors to be kept in mind?
    Please help m with this information.



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