Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Laws Of Medicine: What Every IVF Patient Should Know

Several years ago, Dr Vernon Coleman, who qualified as a doctor in the UK, published an outstanding series of books on wellness and health. Mentioned below are his laws of medicine, as applied to IVF.

Coleman’s 2nd law of medicine

Do not perform tests if the results will not affect your treatment.

Infertility doctors are very fond of ordering tests and many patients naively believe that the number of tests the doctor orders correlates with how thorough and careful he is – they feel that the number of tests ordered is proportional to the doctor’s competence !  Sadly, many of these tests are useless.

A corollary of this is
Coleman’s 4th law of medicine

“ Routine “ diagnostic tests ( such as hysteroscopy and laparoscopy) are more profitable for doctors as compared to patients. They rarely change the treatment options which the doctor can offer you – and the same information can be provided as effectively with the help on non-invasive tests ( such as HSG and ultrasound scanning) which are much safer and less expensive.

Coleman’s 7th law of medicine

IVF too has its own share of fashion and trends , just like clothes do. 
These include: testing for NK cells; 
treating with lymphocyte immunizations; 
IVIG infusions; and 
PCR testing for TB.   

However, fashion blunders in clothes might just end up embarrassing  you , but fashionable blunders in IVF can be painful and expensive.

Worried that you are becoming a victim of Coleman’s laws of medicine ? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at www.drmalpani.com/malpaniform.htm so that I can guide you better !

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