Monday, June 19, 2006

Indian Digital Drug Reference

Indian Digital Drug Reference: While there is a lot of indormation about drugs from the US and UK on the internet, unfortunately there is surprisingly precious little about Indian drugs. While the pharmacology remains the same, it's hard to find information on what consumers need to know - stuff like brand names and their prices. This website has some information - but this is a major lacuna, which needs to be filled !


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    I agree with you. The link provided does not work. provides information on drugs from India that is extremely useful.

  2. It is a good site

    It appears they have closed the Free Drug Reference

    However, if it be so it should be indicated

    If not, the site should be made available as was previously

  3. Dr Malpani,

    Came across this blog in a google search. Since the post in 2006, are there decisive electronic/digital drug references available?



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