Sunday, June 22, 2008

Going off the Grid - The Rise of “Direct Practice” Medicine « Crossover Healthcare

Going off the Grid - The Rise of “Direct Practice” Medicine « Crossover Healthcare: "Physicians and the patients who are entering into these “direct practice” (the PC way to say Concierge Medicine) relationships is one of liberation, of freedom, and of doing things the way that they should be done. The providers get to provide a much higher level of care, to truly get to know their patients as they are incented to spend appropriate time with them, and over time get to know them within their unique social/cultural context as well (hence the house calls become important). The patients love the access, the attentiveness, and are willing to spend cash to have the type of unhurried, contemplative time with their physicians that is required to develop a trusted relationship and deliver high quality care."

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information on direct practice medicine.

    We recently wrote an article on concierge medicine at Brain Blogger. Concierge medicine is a rising tred in medical practice. But is it worth the cost for the patient or the effort fo the doctors?

    We would like to read your comments on our article. Thank you.



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