Thursday, September 24, 2015

IVF Success Story at Malpani Infertility Clinic

Finally our journey towards becoming parents has begun. We are very very thankful from bottom of our heart to Dr. Malpani and a very close friend who suggested his name. He helped us all through our painful days and shares a major part in making our dream come true.

We had been trying since 3-4yrs and were unsuccessful because of blockage in one of my fallopian tubes and I had lost other in ectopic pregnancy. We tried our first IVF cycle with another doctor but it failed. I was told that I would never conceive with my own eggs. That moment was worst worst worst of my life when I felt like I did something wrong so these things are happening to me. Everyday used to curse myself that had I known this possibility I would have taken care of my health in every possible way. I never had any symptoms of tubes blockage and my periods were very regular still how I can not conceive with my own eggs.

Thanks to my friend who really pushed us to try for Dr Malpani and we will be thankful to her all our life. A very important thing happened when I first met Dr was- he gave us hope and it gave me lot of strength to face entire treatment with a positive attitude. 

So I will suggest every couple who is facing same problem please go and meet him once after that you decide but don’t be prejudiced before talking in person to him. Today we are going to have our own baby. One more advice is please do not call yourself “infertile” this word is very depressing and makes you hopeless. Today technology has evolved so much that anyone can become a parent. So please don’t stress out yourself considering “infertile” and have faith in GOD, you will be directed to good doctors like Dr Malpani. It’s GOD’s way.

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