We are Anitha and Raj from US , who underwent an IVF treatment at Malpani Infertility Clinic in May, 2013. With great pleasure and profoundest of gratitude we would like to present Arjun. Arjun was born on January 30th, 2014 . Healthy, baby boy
came to Dr Malpani’s clinic with a lot of skepticism and some hope . Skepticism, that had stemmed from all those failed , multiple IVF
treatments we had undergone at 3 different well known IVF clinics in
US, and in one of the famous IVF clinics in India. We came across your
very informative, incredible website (www.drmalpani.com),
while searching online desperately for answers and help and we emailed
our queries. We were pleasantly surprised to find that those prompt,
straight forward and ” to the point “ responses came from Dr Malpani
himself .We were expecting scripted responses from administration staff
or nursing staff , as was the case with all our previous encounters
with IVF clinics here in US and India.
very first face to face meeting with Dr Malpani made us feel hopeful
again. Dr Malpani was very realistic and did not promise us anything.
Instead, he went through our previous records in great detail, ordered
the necessary tests in his state of the art facility before coming up
with a customized treatment plan.
We believe that Dr Malpani’s hands on approach to treatment was the
deciding factor that made the difference for us. Unlike other IVF
facilities ( both in US and India) where, you only see the physician
during the initial consultation , periodic update sessions ( if you are
lucky) and during the embryo transer , Dr Malpani was personally
involved in every phase of the treatment. We are truly blessed to have
found this incredible physician team, Dr.Malpani & Dr.Anjali who
made this Miracle happen .

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