As any IVF patient will attest, the 2 week wait after the embryo transfer are the longest 15 days in your life. All the action and the excitement of taking injections , going for scans , monitoring your blood test results and admiring your embryos is now over. Your doctor has put your embryos back into your uterus - and now all you can do is wait for the final outcome , in order to find out whether the embryos have implanted are not. Not only is the fact that the outcome of the treatment completely out of your hands extremely frustrating, what makes it even worse is that there is no way to of finding out what is happening to your precious embryos inside your body.
Dear Dr,
ReplyDeleteBeautiful post! How can you put yourself in someone’s shoes? Your blog is a life-saver for me (I really mean it!) I would like to add a few more funny things that we do during 2ww.
As the dooms day (testing day!) approaches there will be more frequent trips to restroom. The frequency can be as high as once in every 15 minutes. The reason is to check for bleeding. Will the ugly AF arrive? Those are the most panicky moments!
We try to feel our skin more often to confirm that our body is warm enough. More warm the body is, the better we feel (hotter the better!). For some reasons, when our skin feels colder we start to panic! And when it becomes warmer again our hope rises again! If someone asks by chance, ‘why is your body too warm?’ we will be super duper happy and ask them again whether what they said a few seconds back is true (just to confirm!)? We never mind the fact that they are looking at us as if we are some stupid, crazy creatures: D
I ask my DH to touch one of the two fingers I show him. He will be safe if he selects the right finger the first time around (you should see my DH’s face at that time, he will be too tensed and at the same time unable to refuse or say anything because of the fear of potential crying spells!). The process will be repeated several times until the result of the touch says that the outcome of ET will be positive :)
When going for bath the water temperature will be checked several times, obsessively. Remember, do not indulge in warm baths which has the potential to raise your body temperature! If you are living in a cold country never take a bath! :D
We look at the pregnancy test kit in all different angles and in all different lighting! (day light (both morning and evening), tube light, under a bulb etc) Even if no one sees a line our powerful eyes will definitely see a faint line. If our DH is unable to see it we go crazy. We never throw away any negative pregnancy test kits. Even if we throw them in dustbin they will be excavated (!) out very soon. We save it carefully and look at it again some seconds later, some minutes later, some hours later (the process continues until a new test is done!). We even break open the pregnancy test kit to take out the strip and see it again under different lightings (better view!)
That is so true.
DeleteAfter few IVF cycles we realize that home pregnancy tests are evil and we promise not to use them during 2ww! The reason is- why to spoil the happiness of those 15 days with a stupid pee stick! At least those 15 days we want to stay pregnant (pregnant until proven otherwise!)
ReplyDeleteWe feel very happy when we get up several times in the night to use the toilet. Might be HCG is building up! Progesterone levels are getting stronger!
In short, whatever is uncomfortable for a normal woman is a blessing for us. Bring on more breast tenderness, more bloating, more constipation, and more frequent trips to loo, even OHSS (sign that you may be pregnant!), more nausea, more headaches and more pain! When our body feels normal we become abnormal!
AND when the pregnancy test comes back negative :(, all the excitement dies down in a second. The reality that it is impossible to see our baby in the next 9 months hits us too hard. We feel horribly disappointed when our DH looks worn-out and tired. At least we woman cry and speak out our pains but men never do! (what will be going on in their mind?!). We take a secret resolution within ourselves that we will never ever go through this IVF hell again!
Surprisingly, few weeks later the thought of a new IVF cycle starts to bud out and grow. The desire to create our baby, the burning desire to perpetuate our genes rejuvenates our entire system. Our mind and body forgets the old disappointment and starts to get ready for the next cycle. Hope blooms again and we get ready with lots of enthusiasm for the next roller-coaster ride. After all, roller-coaster rides are fun, isn’t it?
“Never let go of hope. One day you will see that it all has finally come together. What you have always wished for has finally come to be. You will look back and laugh at what has passed and you will ask yourself... 'How did I get through all of that? ”
- author unknown
As long as you keep your sense of humour, you'll be fine !
ReplyDeleteDr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
My Facebook page is at
You can follow me on twitter at!/drmalpani
Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
relationship at
Dear Dr Aniruddha Malpani, 11 days ago I had 1 x Blastocyst transferred and up to yesterday has gone pretty well. I received a HCG of 55 yesterday which was quite low and so am going back tomorrow for further blood tests and hope this has doubled. Yesterday I started getting mild cramps with brown discharge, today the cramps have gotten worse and there is still brown discharge but with some red blood mixed in there too. I was told to take 2 x cyclogest per night to improve my chances but do you think this is a chemical pregnancy?
DeleteThank you for any advice you can give.
Dear doc, l had my embryos transfer on June 2nd. On June 15 l had the pregnancy strip test at home but it was negative till today but l feel tired, sleeping more than ever and finally had a brown spotting on sat 21 and sun 22. What do you think? I have not done the blood test anyway
DeleteThank you very much Dr! :) Have a weekend filled with lots of laughter and happiness!
ReplyDeleteAfter 2 eggs being transfer an one works do you get s discharge on the second egg
ReplyDeleteNo. If 2 embryos are transferred, and if only 1 implants, the other embryo dies and is reabsorbed silently by the body. There are no symptoms or signs, because it's only a microscopic ball of cells.
ReplyDeleteHello Dr. I'm 12 days post a 3 day. Took a hpt today and it was negative! Could this be true? Please help
DeleteDr. Malpani, am an avid follower of your blog and weekly newsletter..i am on 7th day after my embryo transfer, 3 grade 2 frozen..very anxious..severe pcod patient...pass stools more than 3 times in a day even it ok? Will it affect normal symptoms like slight cramps etc..cant wait to test but very scared..negative result wil break me..
DeleteHi.I had my 3day embryos transfer 8 days ago.from 3 days I got severe period pain during the night the 8th day, after wake up and shower I don't feel anything, just bloating after drinking liquids(water,tea, juice).this mean my embryos not implanted ?
ReplyDeleteNo, please do not jump to conclusions. It's impossible to predict from your symptoms whether or not your embryos have implanted.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck !
Hye Dr.. Today is the 3rd day past my 5 days transfer and I really don't have any symptoms at all like creamping,headache or nausea. Is that a bad sign,Dr..??
ReplyDeleteThanks Dr.
I am going threw the same thing right now I have no symptoms at all
DeleteSymptoms ( or the lack of symptoms) do not provide any useful information at all , sorry !
DeleteHi doctor! Am 5 days post embryo transfer( frozen icsi) as part of my natural cycle. Today all day I have be experiencing a menstrual like cramps with tingling. I vowed not to do a home pregnancy test till the day of my blood which is this wednesday.but I eventually tested tonight and saw a very very faint second line. Am already upset and hyped up thinking my test will come back negative. Could be really pregnant? And why are they testing me 7 days post tranfer instead of the the two weeks?
ReplyDeleteA faint second line is a good sign. If you test so early, the line is bound to be faint !
ReplyDeleteYou can try repeating the test after 2 days. If the line becomes darker, this is a good sign :)
Best of luck !
Hi doctor,i m on 5th day of my ET and from today i m getting period like pain and some time ovary side pain too. i m very much tensed is it negative sign?coz i m not getting any cramps or nausea...only lower back pain and nipples pain but these symptoms were also last time and i got failed IVF that time.
ReplyDeleteactually this time after Transfer nurse said to me to empty my bladder right after the process and i stood up right after my ET..
Please don't let your mind play games with you !
DeleteEmptying your bladder and standing up after the ET will not cause the embryos to " fall out ".
Your embryos are safe in your uterus - they are like a pearl in an oyster ! Nothing you do can harm them , so please do not worry about this.
No, there's no such thing as a negative or positive sign or symptom after an ET - it's just your mind playing games with you
DeleteBest of luck !
Standing up and emptying your bladder will not cause your embryos to "fall out" of the uterus, so please don't worry needlessly.
DeleteBest of luck !
Dear Dr Malpani,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this site - you're a blessing.
I had a 5 day transfer of 2 excellent blasocysts + 2 good embroys.
Today is 5 days post transfer, however 2 days ago I started with menstrual cramps and some bleeding which was dark brown in colour. Today I have a full on heavy period with red blood and cloths.
Does this mean the implantation has not worked? Could I still be pregnant?
Swasthika age 37
Dear Swasthika,
ReplyDeleteHeavy bleeding is not a good sign, sorry. It suggests the cycle has failed :(
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hello Mr Malpani,
ReplyDeleteI had my ET (5 days blastocyst / 4BC grade) two days before . And it was very very painful . I was actually sweating due to pain during ET process. Is it common? I had very severe back pain . But now I have mild cramps sometimes . No implanatation bleeding yet and no other symptoms. I am on estrogen and progesterone medicine.
Is it a bad sign?
Dear Priyanka,
ReplyDeleteEmbryo transfers are usually easy and painless. Did you doctor need to use a vulsellum during the transfer ?
Hi Dr. Malpani,
ReplyDeleteReading your post just brought tears to my eyes. I had 2 5day blastocyst transferred 3days ago and the wait is killing me. May I please ask a question?
My progesterone shots where causing bloating and really sore breast and then last night I had really bad chills. When I woke up this morning my breast are no longer sore and my bloating is disappating.
Should I take this as a possible sign that my embryos did not hatch and implant?
Thank you in advance!
No, please don't start over-interpreting these symptoms. There's so much overlap between the symptoms of pregnancy and PMS
ReplyDelete( premenstrual syndrome) that it's impossible to find out reliably if you are pregnant or not , until you do your HCG blood test.
The progesterone shots are cruel and unkind ! Please ask your doctor to give you the progesterone vaginally - this is much more effective than the painful oily injections !
Hello Dr,
ReplyDeleteI had my ET on 13 April 2013 and on 19 April my blood report showed 5.6 HCG units. my ET was a frozen 5days blastocyst.Is it a good sign. Does it mean that i am pregnant?
A HCG level of less than 10 mIU/ml is negative.
ReplyDeleteHowever, you should not have done the test so early ! The HCG test should be done 10 days after a blastocyst transfer.
Hello dr,
DeleteAfter 2 days that is 4 weeks of pregnancy ( according to my doctor ) my hcg increased from 5.6 to17 . My doctor said its probably a chemical pregnancy or you are not pregnant . What do you suggest since my hcg triple from last hcg but still too low for 14 dpo what are the chances? Pls advice is there still a hope.
Dear Priyanka,
ReplyDeleteI don't want to give you false hope
Did you take a HCG injection recently ?
Hello doctor,
ReplyDeleteNo I am not taking any hcg injection but I am estrogen and progesterone medicines
Hello Doctor, I had 2 4 cell embryo's transfered last Wednesday (17th) It was a 2 day transfer so my question is when is the earliest I can test or when will the symtpoms start
Symptoms are too unreliable, sorry
ReplyDeleteDo a blood test for HCG 14 days after the transfer
Best of luck !
Dr Malpani
Hi, myself and partner are going through Icsi at the moment. We have had 2 BFN before and now this is our 3rd attempt again with a constructed cycle. But I have a horrible gut feeling its a BFN again,I had cramp for the first few days, and had one tiny bit of blood, but now the cramps away n I have sore breasts. I had cramp all the way through my last 2 and was wondering is this a good or bad sign? I have been so scared this time and crying myself to sleep in fear of it being a negative again please help xx Claire xx
ReplyDeleteHello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteToday is my 4th day after a 5 day blastocyst transfer. Today I took the pregnancy test measuring hcg 20miu or more. However, it turned out negative. Does that mean my cycle has failed?
Thank for the response in advance.
You tested too early - please be patient.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck !
Dr Malpani
Hello doctor,
ReplyDeleteMy ET was on 13april and it was 5 days blastocyst . But my beta level is only 98 miu today. Although its doubling in 48 hrs . Please let me if there is still any hope .
As long as the HCG is doubling, this is a good sign !
ReplyDeleteBest of luck !
Dr Malpani
Hi doctor I have just had my two embryos replaced yesterday and I feel nothind different no pain,no cramps does that mean bad news or simply I suppose to feel implntation???
ReplyDeleteNo, you cannot "feel "
ReplyDeleteimplantation! Embryos are microscopic !
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Best of luck !
Dr Malpani
Sorry I don't have ne of this because my doctor has it... I have add frozen embryo replacment in my natural cycle....I had 25 eggs,11 fertilised of which 1 was transferred and didn't work and know two have bin transferred yesterday....I have been told all my levels r gud.....I had my daughter naturally 6 years ago...normal forecep delivery...the rest of the embryos generated so they disposed them.
ReplyDeleteYou need to be better informed ! Patients cannot afford to leave everything upto the doctor !
ReplyDeleteI saw my embryos they looked really gud one was almost about to hatch they showed me the cells that were coming out of the period date is on the 4 th and testing date the 10 th so wat do I expect on the 4th and am I suppose to feel heavy.
ReplyDeleteHello doctor,
ReplyDeleteThis is my sixth day post 5days blastocyst transfer. Today I had my blood tes done. The test results say hormone Beta Hcg, serum by CMIA as <1.2. Does that mean I am not pregnant? How to interpret this result? Is there any hope of me being pregnant?
This is a negative HCG, sorry. However, you could try repeating it again in 3 days
ReplyDeleteDr Malpani
Hello, doc...
ReplyDeleteI am 7days post ET, I have had no symptoms whatsoever. Waiting it out till the 2WW is here. I am curious to know if this is normal?
Dear Dr, Thanks a lot for your information's regards to IVF treatment,Ver help ful, I am doing My 2 IVF ,we had 16th April 2013 ,3 Day ET, we have not felt any pregnancy symptoms during 2WW period.
ReplyDeletewe planned to do the blood test on 3rd May 2013, we stop the progestogen , Oil injection and medicine. can we do test on 3rd May 2013.
Kindly suggest what should we do if incase is not IVF positive
Yes, you can do the HCG on 3 May. Read more at
ReplyDeleteWhy are you taking progesterone injections ? They are very painful. Vaginal progesterone is much more effective !
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycles ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hi Dr., I had a 5 day blastocyst ET 2 days ago. We went through ICSI because my eggs' shell was too hard for sperms to get through (first regular IVF failed because of that, none of my 11 eggs fertilized). This time, 9 eggs were recovered, 7 fertilized, produced 4 embryos, 3 blastocysts. My question is, if the shell was too hard for sperms to get in and fertilize the eggs, would it be possible for the blastocyst to fail hatching since the shell is/was too hard? We saw our embryo before the ET and it was perfectly round, no signs of hatching just yet.
ReplyDeleteThank you in advance for your answer.
No, total failure of fertilisation is never because the shell ( zona) of the egg is "too hard" ! It's usually because of sperm dysfunction. ICSI resolves this problem effectively.
ReplyDeleteI know that failure of fertilization is most commonly because of sperm dysfunction but that wasn't our case. In our first IVF trial, when they put the sperms with the 11 eggs, 3 days later, they said the sperms were still swimming around my eggs but all my eggs were intact and not fertilized. My husband's sperm tests have always come back normal, normal motility, etc. So anyways, the fact that the zona is too hard for sperms to get in does not mean that it won't let my embryo hatch?
ReplyDeleteJust because your sperm were swimming after 3 days does not mean they were functionally competent enough to fertilise your eggs ! The fact that fertilisation occurred after ICSI proves that the sperm are dysfunctional ! Your zona is fine, so please stop worrying about its hardness !
ReplyDeleteDr. Malpani
ReplyDeleteThis 2ww is about to drive me crazy. I had 3 embryo put back two eight cell and one eleven cell on day three. It has been three days and I have absolutely no symptoms this is my fourth cycle I am so afraid it did not work. Being that I have no symptoms does this mean my cycle has failed.
Dear Dr,
ReplyDeletePlease advise -
I had a day 3 ET with 2 embryos , one 4 cell and one 2 cell.
It has been 10 days since ET.
I have had no symptoms of cramps/morning sickness / spotting / sore breasts etc.
I have had occasional nausea but my Dr said that it could be attributable to the progesterone.
Please help me with the following questions -
Are no symptoms a cause for worry?
What is the earliest I should do a beta hcg test?
Is it ok to do a home pregnancy test now after 10 days of ET or are they still likely to throw wrong results?
Dear Muskan,
ReplyDeleteDay 3 embryos should have 8 cells. You can see what embryos should look like at
If your embryos had only 4 cells and 2 cells, this means they had arrested and the chances of success are very poor, sorry
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Dear dr.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all your advise. But I have one question I'm on day two of a fet. I had two 5d eggs transfered. I'm having no symptoms but one a warm belly to the touch, not normal for me. Does that mean it didn't work.? I do have a pic of my eggs and they look good, the embryologist did a assistant hatching on them. I am on 2ml a day progestron shots and twice a week on .06 ml estrodial shots. Thank you for ur help
Dear Stacie,
DeleteSadly, there are no symptoms which will tell you whether you are pregnant or not.
You need to be patient and wait till its time to do the HCG
Best of luck !
We really can't say until we get the blood test HCG result
DeleteBest of luck !
Symptoms cannot help you to find out if you are pregnant or not, sorry
DeleteBest of luck !
Hi doctor,I had my embryo replacment on Saturday and my period date is tomorrow but the doctor told me to do the test on the 10 th........I had some period type cramps and I tested my self on Wednesday and Thursday afternoon my result came positive that too early to b excited for and I had two embies replaced.
ReplyDeleteIf the urine pregnancy test is positive, this is always a good sign - best of luck !
DeleteA positive test is always good news and suggests that you are pregnant
DeleteThe HCG blood test will confirm this !
If your doctor gave you a HCG trigger shot, this could be a false positive test result.
ReplyDeleteHello sir
ReplyDeletemy wife is normal but i have vas absent
I had done my ivf treatment with tesa
I had done my et on 2nd day with 3 embryo
1 is 4 cell
2 and 3 is 2 cell
So sir i want to know that it is a normal level of embryo on 2nd day?
My wife age is 24 yrs how many chansses to get result in positive
Hello sir
ReplyDeletemy wife is normal but i have vas absent
I had done my ivf treatment with tesa
I had done my et on 2nd day with 3 embryo
1 is 4 cell
2 and 3 is 2 cell
So sir i want to know that it is a normal level of embryo on 2nd day?
My wife age is 24 yrs how many chansses to get result in positive
Hello doctor,
ReplyDeleteI had a 5day blastocyst transferred on 22nd april2013. However, the cycle has failed. Today my periods started. My question is can I go for the frozen embryo transfer cycle immediately after this failed cycle. Is the success rate good if I go for back to back cycle. I still have 5 blastocysts frozen. Please guide me. I am confused.
Had a single 2 day 4 cell top grade embryo transfered on 4th May 2013. I have to give myself a quarter dose of Ovitrell 250 injection on the 7th May. How long will it stay in my system maybe causing a false positive home pregnancy test
ReplyDeleteYes, you can do a back to back cycle if your Day 3 scan shows you are downregulated
ReplyDeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hi Dr Malpani!
ReplyDeleteAny thoughts on empirical use of prednisolone or other steroids preimplantation to prevent the immune system from attacking the embryos? I have tubal factor IF and had failed IVF a year ago with nearly empty follicles that resulted in poor quality embryos. Im on a different drug this time around, with better response. A larger number of ova were retrieved. I want to give this second cycle my best shot. Will empirical steroids and aspirin help? When are they introduced for how long and at what dose? Testing for NK cell or antibodies is not available in my clinic
Thanks, Leona.
Dear Leona,
ReplyDeleteI do not believe the immune system can "attack " the embryos - the uterus is an "immunologically privileged" site and can accept all embryos !
No one is sure whether empirical steroids help - but this is a low cost low risk intervention, so you can try it out if it will give you peace of mind.
NK cell testing is a waste of time and money. You can read about this at
Please send me photos of your embryos
Hi Dr Malpani, had a single 4 cell top grade embryo transferred on 4th May. Have to take a quarter shot of ovitrelle 250 tomorrow Tues 7th. How long will it stay in my system maybe causing a false positive? How soon can I test with a home pregnancy test?
ReplyDeleteDear doctor ,
ReplyDeleteI had 3 embryos transferred of 8cell 7cell and 5 cell on may 1st '13. My estradiol value was around 1700 at the time of egg collection and ER was 10mm. But my ANA value was slightly higher 41. Is this harmful to the embryo ?
thanks 4 reply answer sir,
ReplyDeleteI had done my laparoscopy aboout 1 year ago and doctor said that all are normal .
Uterus wall thickness are also normal but i dont know in unit.
My e2 level is start with 25 - 282 - 800 - 900 - 2600 -7000 - 11000 and stop the injection on 12 th day after it my e2 level are 4000 on 14 th day.
in the er 9 follicles are pick up
2 follicle are the bad quallity
7 follicles are done icsi
And 3 follicles are fertlized. My et on the 2nd day embryos are in 4 cell -2 cell - 2 cell
So sir plz reply
No, ANA ( antinuclear antibodies) do not harm your embryos ! Your embryos are safe in your uterus
ReplyDeleteDr Malpani
Dear Dr, had my beta test today 10 days post ET ( 2 5day compacted grade 4 blasts) and it came back at 18.4miu/ml. I am worried this might be very low.. What is your opinion?
ReplyDeleteThank u
This is a very low HCG. It maybe a result of the HCG trigger shot given prior to egg collection.
ReplyDeleteI have never heard of a compacted blastocyst !
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Thank u for your prompt reply to my question. Where can i send u all the info mentioned in your reply? How many days post hcg trigger shot can still be detected in blood!? Had 5000ml of choriomon injected on 22/04 and beta test ob 09/04. Will repeat beta tomorrow 11th! God bless you! Thanks
DeleteDear doctor I had my et on the 26th and due to test on Monday I have had no bleeding or spotting is this a good sign?
ReplyDeleteHCG can be detected in the urine for about 7-10 days after a 5000 IU injection of HCG
ReplyDeleteI need more information to be able to provide you with intelligent advice.
Could you please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you better?
Hi doctor
ReplyDeleteI am 8 days past 3 day et I keep getting cramps in the lower area and sharp pains when I sometimes walk I also have had a dull headache for the past 4 days I have been drinking over 2l of water a day.
I am on evorel 100 patches and 400mg cyclogest perssaries.
Is this a bad sign?
Hi doctor
ReplyDeleteI am 8 days past 3 day 1 8cell ET I have been having mild cramps all the time and on day 4 they were pretty painful I have also had an mild dull headache for 4 days now I am drinking 2l of water a day and different fruit juices.
I am taking 400 mg cyclogest perssaries and I'm on evorel 100 patches and 5mg folic acid and 75 mg aspirin.
Is this a bad sign?
Dear Kimberly,
ReplyDeleteUterine cramping is quite common, so please don't worry about it
Best of luck !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
My Facebook page is at
You can follow me on twitter at
Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
relationship at
Hi thanks for your quick reply but what do you think the headaches are? This is the 4th day now its a dull pain, and i dont seem to be able to focus sometimes.
ReplyDeleteHi thanks for your quick reply i was just wondering what you think about the headache that i have had for a total of 4 days now?
ReplyDeleteOften the medicines used for luteal phase support may cause a headache, so this is no reason to worry ! Get your husband to give you a massage - this will help to relieve them !
ReplyDeleteI had my et 5/11/13 I had my tubes tied but in a 2nd marriage no issues ever getting preg or carrying I'm so nervous how can I send you pics of my embryos to see what you think it was a 5day transfer
ReplyDeleteHi sir,
ReplyDeleteI had a FET on 30th April.I have got my first beta today i.e 15 th of may.My value is 116.But my doc gave me HCG 5000 on 14th morning.So is this value because of my HCG injection or is it a good beta.Kindly advise.
This sounds very suspicious ! There is no point in giving HCG in a FET cycle - especially so many days after the ET !
ReplyDeleteHCG's action mimics that of LH ( luteinising hormone) and it provides luteal phase support when there is a corpus luteum.
I think your doctor is taking you for a ride. Yes, this level of HCG fits in with the residual effects of an IM injection of 5000 IU HSCG taken 24 hours earlier.
Repeat the test after 2 days, and don't take any more HCG injections. The level will drop.
I underwent ivf with icsi. 12 eggs retrived inbetween 9 matured and fertilised and 6 were survived on 5th day. Inbetween only one 3bb grade which is full blastocyst and others were just morula and early blastocyst which couldnot graded. Embryologist did assisted hatching also.
ReplyDeleteAs we dont want twins ,we transfered single 3bb graded blastocyst.
Is our decision right?
Hi sir,Thnx for the prompt reply.
ReplyDeleteSir mine is case of low AMH.Till date I have gone through two fresh IVF cycle.The second one included the blastocyst transfer also.Both the cycles were failure.My doc suggested me to go for egg donor.So I went for the FET with the egg donor and my two freezed embryo of good quality.My ET is always good.It was 10.5 when I took the transfer.After the Transfer,my doc kept me on progesterone support and HCG 5000 inj twice a week.My beta came 116.I know it can be the result of HCg injc.My doc has advised me to go for another beta hcg test.
sir what do you think about my case.Do u have any advise.I am really shattered.What should I do next.My age is 29.
You definitely need to find a better doctor !
ReplyDeletehi dr im just asking on behalf of my wife. she's 56 y we had a son 4 y ago through the ivf egg donor and we tried 2 cycles after that recently 1st was failed now we had transfer 3 embryos on 9th of may 2013 and week after blod test prostrogene was 230 and the after we are keep checking home test its coming up negative. just gave the blood test again after 15 days and result will be come after a week so. we are still in dark don't know anything . she had 10 injections of susten 200mg one each day and taking prygnova 2mg 15 a day . could you tell me because of the too much medicine its not showing in urine test. if you need more information just ask.
Hi Dr. I have found your site very informative! I have had 2 embryos fertilized by icsi and implanted yesterday morning. I woke up this morning from a "sex" dream and found myself masturbating by clitoral stimulation (this is a bit embarrassing for me to recount) and I did have a little orgasm after that. Too which, of course promptly I started worrying that that would have caused uterine contraction which could have dislodged the embryos. Could you put my mind at rest about that? I have read a page you wrote about the fact you can have orgasms after implantation and that it doesn't affect anything, but I am still worrying, nonetheless. Thank you so much for your advice and help!
ReplyDeleteHi there, I just posted a comment about orgasm after an embryo transfer, and I forgot to mention that I am on progesterone meds as well each day, if this gives you more information. Thank you so much!!!aire
ReplyDeleteHello Sir,
ReplyDeleteI had FET where they transferred one blastocyst. Yesterday was the 10th day post transfer. I had beta hcg done yesterday. The value came as 1.79miu/ml which meant negative. However, during last cycle my, my value was <1.29miu/ml. Since, the doctor found slight increase in the value, he has administered me six injections of hcg2000.I have to take them alternately. So, doctor, I have a few questions.
What will be the outcome of such a protocol?
Will I get positive results? If yes, can such a fetus be healthy?
Does administering such injections help the embryo to grow?
What are the chances of success?
Please let me know? I am totally confused and frustrated?
Dear sir,
ReplyDeleteYour blogs are really awesome.It gives so much information to a lay man like me.Sir,It's been 4 years since we are TTC.I have had 3 failed IUI & 2 failed IVF.After that my doc has asked me to have a test called TNF-alpha.
Today I have got my reports and my TNF-alpha is very very high.The value is 700.My doctor has routed this as a cause of my infertility.Sir What is your opinion on this and what is the best treatment for this.Can I conceive naturally also if this gets ok.
Shweta Mathur
Hi Dr, I had a 5 day transfer with 2 good quality embryos. I had bloating start right after egg retrieval and breast tenderness a day or two later. Besides this I have had no symptoms since transfer. I am scared because I had a failed IUI. I have been through a lot and am happily married now and sad that it has been so hard to have kids.
ReplyDeleteIs the lack of symptoms (no cramping, spotting) indicative of a failed IVF cycle?
No, neither the presence of absence of symptoms gives us any useful information, sorry !
ReplyDeleteHi Dr. Malpani,
ReplyDeleteDuring the 2ww, if I have skipped my periods, does it mean I am pregnant?
Or can it also mean my periods could have been postponed due to harmonal change?
No, skipping a period does not mean you are pregnant . The reason you missed them because of the hormones given to you for luteal phase support after the embryo transfer.
ReplyDeleteDear Dr,
ReplyDeleteI had (3 day embryo) FET on 27/05/2013. My embryos were grade 1. We had 3 embryos 1 compaction and other 2 8 cells. My endo was .98 I am on 19 days wait today was day 14 as I happen to do hpt it came out negative. Does it mean I am not pregnant.
A negative HPT is not good news, sorry
ReplyDeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
My IVF was done in mth of Dec with 9 embryos. I had embryo transfer Jan which turned out -ve. Took a break got 4 embryos frozen. All grade 1 with 8 cells. We both are normal only problem was my follicles use to rupture untimely. Get regular period of 30 days. I have been on tab. prognova, folic acid, omnicortil and M2tone. Inj. Gestone and Clexin. I have to meet my dr. on 14/06/2013. Is there still any chances.
DeleteHi Dr. Malpani,
ReplyDeleteI had HCG blood test today morning and it came out to be positive pregnancy with 212 hcg count.
My doc asked me to come back for another test on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, I had pink spotting last night and have brown discharge today (looks like endometrin mixed with blood) whole day, sounds scary to me. Is this a problem? Why does this happen?
Hi doctor must say how nice it is of you to take time out to read and reply to these posts :) So big respect to you. I am currently in my 2ww after 2 blastocysts transferred on monday, my first IVF cycle failed after one blastocyst was transferred, but during egg collection were 10 eggs were taken there was fluid found in my left tube, but they still went ahead with the transfer 5 days later. After failure i was told that if the fluid was still there i needed to get it sorted out before i start my next cycle, possibly need my tube removing? But fluid had gone when i was scanned before i started my meds for 2nd cycle. When i asked on monday before they transfered the eggs if there was any fluid they said yes a little bit but its not a problem. Can you please tell me doctor if this fluid can cause problems?
ReplyDeleteThis fluid in the tube suggests you have a hydrosalpinx. There’s no need to remove the hydrosalpinx. Read more at
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for you reply doctor, i really do not know what to do? What would you suggest i should do?
DeleteDoes this mean my cycle will fail again? Has nothing was done to my tube before egg transfer? Im due to test on Saturday but now i have no hope of this working.
ReplyDeleteHad my BFN this morning :(
ReplyDeleteGood Morning Doctor, I had a 5 day transfer on 6/18. I am loosing hope that it worked. I feel nothing out of the usual of being pregnant, no sore chest, no implantation bleeding, nothing. I was pregnant in October of 2012 and I had symptoms of being pregnant before I realized I was, unfortunately I miscarried around the 5th or 6th week. I have no explanation for myself for infertility, he has bad morphology it is 7% the clinic says 14% is what they like to see. My embryo condition I had transferred my doctor said can not get any better. ( i do have pics if needed)The clinic really does not give me full test results or anything.
ReplyDeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
ReplyDeletesuperovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Patients need to be more proactive about asking for test results and documentation. It's in your best interests to do so.
Don't jump to conclusions - either based on symptoms - or their absence. This can be very misleading !
Best of luck !
Good afternoon doctor. How do I attatch pictures to send to you? I do not have my shot record with me it is at my fiances place. My clinic never gave me one. I ask but they say due to laws I can't have them till after this ivf cycle I had 33 eggs 15 mature 13 fertalized by day 5 1o were alive. The doc said they were all best quAlity except for one of them. From your pic of good embryo to me it matches mine. They sAid its a grade 4 and on their scale its the best. I highly appreciate your time and dedication to helping us women
ReplyDeleteYou can email me your embryo photos to
ReplyDeleteThe best time to give patients photos of their embryos is at the time of the embryo transfer. This is what all good clinics do routinely !
Dear dr. I have had 2 embryos transfered with donor eggs and am on the 2ww. I am on progesterone supplements. Today i did by serum progesterone blood test and it says 36.46ng/ml. I want you opinion on this. Is the value fine? Does this test suggest pregnancy. Could low progesterone level also result in pregnancy.
ReplyDeleteDear Dr.
ReplyDeleteI am on day 5 from my day 2 ET. They transferred 3 embryos, two were 4 cells and one was a 3 cell. I had an onset of OHSS that was mild and just resulted in a severely swollen belly and light pain. Now the belly swelling is starting to go down and I am having some pains in my ovary like I am ovulating and my breasts are very tender. Like my period is coming. I had 17 eggs, 11 fertilize normally, 3 transferred on day two at 4 cells the rest didn't make it to 4 cells until day 3 and never past that. I am on pessaries and progesterone pills as well. My question is if the embryos in the lab never made it past 4 cells, why would the ones in my belly?
Dear Hillary Scott,
ReplyDeleteI agree the fact that all your embryos arrested in the lab is worrisome. However, I am worried about how good the lab is. It's very unusual to have such a high rate of arrest.
It's possible your doctor did not do a good job with superovulating you.
This is a common problem with PCO patients. Doctors are so scared of
OHSS, that they end up mistiming the HCG injection, as a result of which they get poor quality embryos.
We have extensive experience in doing IVF for PCOD patients,
and our pregnancy rates are better than 45% per cycle for PCOD patients.
You can read more about this at !
We can also offer you a money-back treatment option.
You can read more about this at
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270
Helping couples build families !
PS Read our book, How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
online at !
Hello dr. Malpani
ReplyDeleteToday is my 7th day after a 3 day transfer, i had a a urine test this morning and it turns out negative...did i test too early? I felt a slight cramping since day 2 and i have a watery discharge all the you think its normal?
Yes, you tested too early - please be patient !
Hi doctor, I had frozen embryo transfer on 29.6.13. Result was positive on 9.7.13. But today I got caught with cold and little sore throat. Plz suggest sum mild medicine or home remedy..
ReplyDeleteThere's no need to take any medicines for this. Steam inhalation and salt waster gargles are enough for symptomatic relief !
ReplyDeletehi doctor!
ReplyDeletei had my FET on 13 july 13. i m using Susten gel 8% twice a day.
want to know how long i should lie down after applying it as i see lot of spill in my underclothes after sometime.
kindly advice. i m worried.
ReplyDeleteToday is my 6th day since FET. I m having pain in right side of lower abdomen. I have tubal blockade. Can it be ectopic?
Dear Dr Malani,
ReplyDeleteI had mild symptoms of OHSS after my egg retrieval. However it has been a week after my three day transfer and my bloating is diminishing. Does that mean my embryos failed to implant? Thank you for you time. Appreciate your opinion on this. Julia
Symptoms of mild OHSS usually do resolve in a few days on their own,whether or not you are pregnant. Best of luck !
ReplyDeleteDear Lovneet Kaur,
ReplyDeleteNo, even if you had an ectopic pregnancy, it could never cause any symptoms so early. Please do not let your mind play games with you !
hello doctor plz let me know when should i take bath after ET and plz let me know the best sleeping position
ReplyDeleteHi Dr!
ReplyDeleteThis is an amazing blog... Thanks for your dedication!
I am 7 days post 2 day 5 embryo transfer (grade 5aa) however other than mild period type cramps have had no symps. My progesterone was low 2 days post ET so was started on injections to supplement the pessaries (level was 20 now is 100). Could this be detrimental to me? Also the lack of symptoms- is that worrying?
Thanks so much
ReplyDeleteI had an ICSI /ivf 4 years ago and had a beautiful son. I dint feel anything until day 7 when the symptoms shown with moderate ohss.
This time I had 2 embryo transfers and it's day 12 after embryo transfer. I have not been feeling any symptoms other than few pains and aches here and there. Only today I noticed some brown specs like discharge and migraine.My blood test is tomorrow.would like to know in the light of yr experience if I should be hopeful?
You should always be hopeful - but only the blood test will tell us the outcome of the cycle
ReplyDeleteBest of luck !
Dear dr. Today is my 11 th day. I had a 5 day embryo transfer. Except for very slight cramps n a lil tenderness of my breasts the only other sympton is continuous watery no odour discharge. I hv been given vaginal progestrone. Have the test tom. This is my third ICSI . Hoping this comes positive. I hv done a PGD and the doc says the two embryos transferrd are good quality. Please help!!
ReplyDeleteHello sir, I had a fet with 2 embryos of 5 and 6 cells today.I have tubal blockage due to history of tuberculosis and I am also positive with tpo antibodies. I am very worried because of antibodies and hydrosalpinges. I have had laproscopy in the past but it didnt reveal any thing about hydrosalpinges. I wanted to ask do I need to worry about above two issues or just let it go..
Dear Garima,
ReplyDeleteHow will worrying about this help ?
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ?
What was the endometrial thickness ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Embryos were 7 and 8 cells during freezing and 5 and 6 cells respectively during transfer. Endometrial thickness was 8 mm on 15th day but wasnt measured on 18th day when the transfer took place. I dont have embryo pictures.
ReplyDeleteDear Garima,
ReplyDeleteThe fact that some of the blastomeres ( embryo cells) died during the thaw is not a good sign :(
Where are the photos of your embryos ?
This is not correct. You have a legal right to your medical records - every hospital has to provide them by law ! Please make a request for this in writing.
Poor quality documentation suggests you have received poor quality medical care !
ReplyDeleteI went in on 9/12/13 for retrieval. On 9/15 I went in for 2 embryo transfer. They both had multinuclei but corrected themselves prior to the transfer. The next day I was in hospital suffering from hyper stimulation. Wednesday the 25th I woke up with my period. But not normal very dark and very bad cramps and lower back aches. My doc had me come in today for the beta (early). I got the results today and it was positive with a level of 42. Have u heard of this happening at all? Can this pregnancy survive?
Dear Victoria,
ReplyDeleteThis could be a delayed implantation bleed. A positive HCG blood test is a good sign. Read more at
Repeat the test in 2 days. If this is a healthy pregnancy, it should double
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
PS Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby – A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
Online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
Relationship at
Hi, I'm 6 days past blastocyst transfer and I started to spot pink, along with mild lower abdominal cramps. Also, I've had sore breaststroke since the day I had egg retrieval, my guess is from 150 goal f. However today, day 6, after transfer my breaststroke are not as sore, but now I'm spotting. Is this implantation? When can I expect implanting bleed after a blast transfer?
ReplyDeleteHi Doc, Pls can you help with this issues I am having. I just did transfer 2 days back and I have been having very serious catarrh, cough and chest pain. will these affects implantation? thanks
ReplyDeleteYour embryos are safe in your uterus. Nothing you do can harm them , so please do not worry about this.
ReplyDeletePlease do not let your mind play games with you ?
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
HonyxcMy first ivf. Did mt et on 22.11.13. Supports progesterone shots 100mg bd an ink hcg 3shots every two days. Immediately after et I had bloating sensation, abdominal cramping,breast tenderness . On day 8 after et I had cramps just like my periods.subsided on its own . Today is day 11. Now I see brownish discharge with my usual menstrual symptoms. My hcg is to be tested on 6.12.13. dr, can u help me out in this as to wat I should infer a positive or negative result. I ve a feeling I ll get my periods in 2 days time. NEETA
ReplyDeleteDear Neeta,
ReplyDeleteOnly the blood test will tell us the truth.
Best of luck !
Dr Malpani
sir, did my beta hcg on 6.12.13. its 206.1 the last hcg shot was taken on 1.12.13.can i consider this as something positive.still on lupigest. neeta
ReplyDeleteHello Dr.
ReplyDeleteIm on my 8th day after 5 days embryo transfer.
I did a hpt today and it turned out negative. My hormon test is due on 14.12.2013
Did I make the test too early?
Any recommendations?
Dear Sarah Sharaf,
ReplyDeleteA negative HPT is always worrisome. Do the blood test as planned, because this is more reliable than a HPT, but be prepared for accepting the possibility that your cycle has failed , sorry
Dear Neeta,
ReplyDeleteRepeat the test in 2 days. If this is a healthy pregnancy, it should double
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
PS Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby – A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
Online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
Relationship at
Dear dr, I had my embryo transfer yesterday and I had severe chills and temp of 100 yester day night and now I am it got to do anything with nk cells of endomtrium
ReplyDeleteNo, there's no connection at all, so please do not worry
ReplyDeleteSir, did et on 22/11/13. Hcg on 6 dec was 206. My doctor told no need to repeat and told to continue with lupigest and hcg inj once every 5 days after that. Took hccg inj on 7 & 12 . Then i just repeated hcg value on my own on was 8035.but i get these occasional muscle catching pains in my lower abd.also i ve whitish yellowish discharge. Scan is on 26. Can i assume everything is ok. neeta
ReplyDeleteIdeally, the doctor should have checked the HCG level every 3 days after 6 Dec
ReplyDeleteThe HCG level has risen well, which is reassuring.
You need to do a vaginal ultrasound scan to confirm the pregnancy is healthy
Dr Malpani
Hi Doc,
ReplyDeleteI am currently based in Germany, female 35 yrs old and have been trying to conceive for nearly 2 years. I opted for ivf and 13 eggs were retrieved out of which 9 were fertilized. 4 eggs were observed till blastocyte stage and only 1 was ready on day 5 for transfer. (Rest arrested dev). I was informed that the transferred embryo was only so so, and did not Implant (no hcg detected). Last year in May we had just started IUI I conceived and the egg implanted (fever like symptoms and tested positive hcg 260) but the pregnancy did not proceed after 4weeks, naturally I forced miscarriage. Do you think I have a fair chance with the frozen embryos (5 still left)? My husband has abnormal sperms, and I have low progesterone.
I agree this is worrisome.
DeleteDo you have photos of your frozen embryos ?
Of the one which was transferred ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Clinic Mobile: 9867441589
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
You can add a google review for us at
My Facebook page is at
You can follow me on twitter at
Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
relationship at
Hi Doc,
ReplyDeleteI have requested the details, but unfortunately no I believe this is not their usual procedure. Language is a problem as well as all their documents will be in German.
All good IVF clinics routinely take photos of embryos and share them with patients.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThe HCG level is rising, which is reassuring !
Repeat the test in 2 days. If this is a healthy pregnancy, it should double further
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Mumbai 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
PS Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby – A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
Online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
Relationship at
Doctor I had positive betahcg level on 14th day of embryo transfer value is 85. I had my embryo transferon 18.03.2014 and did betehcg test on 1st of April. Now on date 15.4.2014 they scheduled for an ultrasound. And US results could n't find any sac and on the same day my endometrium thickness is 12mm. Why there is no sac?.kindly reply.
ReplyDeleteThis is worrisome
ReplyDeletePlease repeat the beta HCG.
Either this is an ectopic pregnancy or a nonviable pregnancy, sorry
Hi Dr, this my 2nd icsi with 7embyro 5 fertilised nd had my ET of of 2days with 3embryo on 6cell transfered,two days after ET had UTI infection nd was placed on antibiotics. So worried as this might have affected my embryo or implantation, pls advice no symptoms of pregnancy at all.waiting seriously.
ReplyDeleteUTI or antibiotics will not affect your embryos in your uterus. They are as safe as a pearl in an oyster !
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF/ICSI cycles ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Hi Dr. Malpani,
ReplyDeleteIts Urgent please help.. We recently got news that our first IVF failed. I am 32, mild endometriosis.. everything went very well except it didn't implant- 2 embryo transferred. What is the possible cause not to implant. I have been pregnant once naturally but 6 weeks miscarriage as heartbeats couldn't found.
My Question is we have two embryos still freezed: In report one embryo showing 1PN and another one showing NSPN so we are in confusion that should we use those embryos or go for fresh cycle?
Please Help.. Appretiate!
I agree this is frustrating. Please do remember that most embryos do not implant - human reproduction is not very efficient, sadly.
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Dr Malpani,
ReplyDeleteWe used Gonal-F 450 units for superovulation- 12 eggs retrieved- at the time of retrieval E2 was 2600 and endometrial thickness: 8.5mm and two embryos are transferred and one was best quality as per my embryologist and second one was in expan.ding stage.
My question is Can I go for frozen embryo or should I chose fresh cycle?
The pregnancy rate with both fresh and frozen embryos is equally good.
ReplyDeleteDo you have photos of your embryos ?
Hi doctor chanced upon this blog. I have done my 2nd ivf procedure. 4 grade B embryos were transferred on 28-jun. Tested positive with a result of 50 on the betahcg test on 12-jul. Went in for a scan on 26-jul but no sac seen. Doc just told me it hasn't worked. She did not ask for any repeat of the HCG nor another scan. I haven't got my period yet. Is there any hope at all or is this over?
ReplyDeleteA good doctor would have repeated the HCG level on 15 July to confirm it was rising well. Why did he leave you in this cruel suspense of not knowing what was happening for 2 weeks ?
DeleteThe fact that there is no sac seen on the scan 4 weeks after transfer ( = 6 weeks gestational age) confirms you are not pregnant, sorry
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hello Dr.,
ReplyDeleteMy wife recently did 2 Blastocyst transfer on 22nd Jul. The Blood Test Results as Follow:
22nd Jul : Did the 2 Blastocyst Tranfers.
Test1 : 1st Aug
TBhCG2 :801.78 mIU/ml
Progesterone (P) : 15.1 ng/ml
Estradiol (E2) : 118 pg/ml
Test2 : 3rd Aug
TBhCG2 :1335.44 mIU/ml
Progesterone (P) : 10.2 ng/ml
Estradiol (E2) : 139 pg/ml
Test3 : 10th Aug
TBhCG2 : 19767.62 mIU/ml
Progesterone (P) : 12.6 ng/ml
Estradiol (E2) : 216 pg/ml
Before the 3rd blood test, my wife had a small amount of blood stain or small pieces of stain and period like pain.Does this symptom pose an alarming miscarriage coming ? Furthermore, her Progesterone level is also very low over the 3 readings. Please help to advice.
The fact that the HCG is rising so we ll is very reassuring.
DeleteYou need to do a vaginal ultrasound scan to confirm the pregnancy is healthy
Thanks Dr. Malpani. With this HCG level is both the 2 Blastocyst still on track for twins?
DeleteOnly the scan will tell us this
DeleteI masturbated the same day as my embryo transfer, will that cause me not to get pregnant? Will that cause my uterus to throw out the 2 embryos? I'm going to feel so bad if I don't become pregnant.
ReplyDeleteNo, it will not
ReplyDeleteYour embryos are safe in your uterus, like a pearl in an oyster. Nothing you do can harm them , so please do not worry about this.
Please lead a normal life
I know the 2ww takes a long time, but please do not let your mind play games with you !
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Hello Doctor,
ReplyDeleteRight now I am on 4 weeks 4 days and My ET was on 08/11/2014, they did 5 day transfer on 08/16/2014 and today I am on 4 weeks 4. My first beta HCG level was 141 on 15dpo
My second beta HCG level was 195 on 17dpo
Third beta is scheduled on 09/02/2014 on 23dpo.
Is this indicating a success full pregnancy? I am really worried my numbers weren't doubling and it increased only 45% and also my tummy looks so big and I look like 8 weeks pregnant, I dont have any cramping and periods symptoms. Please help me in this! Thanks.
I am worried that the HCG level is not doubling as it should
This may be an ectopic pregnany, or a nonviable pregnancy, sorry
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Mumbai 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
PS Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby – A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
Online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
Relationship at
Hello. Dr, I am a. 35 yrs old lady who just had ET done on Sunday (21st sept). I. Started feeling little tingling by the left side from the next day is this a. Good sign? Today is the 3rd day now. This is my 1st IVF cycle, I used to get. Pregnant naturally before now until I had my both fallopian tubes blocked. 12 eggs were retrieved after stimulation, 8 fertilised and 3 embryos (8 cell, grade B) were transferred. Do you think I stand a good chance? Hubby's sperm count was over 80 million
ReplyDeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ? What were the meds which were used for
Deletesuperovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? You can see what embryos should look like at
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hi Doctor,
ReplyDeleteI have been having mild to moderate cramps from day 1 to day 5 post my embryo transfer(had transfer on day 4 from egg collection). Today is day 6 post the the transfer and not having any cramps at all. Is this normal?
Yes, this is normal
DeleteYour embryos are safe in your uterus, like a pearl in an oyster. Nothing you do can harm them , so please do not worry about this.
Please lead a normal life
I know the 2ww takes a long time, but please do not let your mind play games with you !
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dear Dr,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the beautiful post... seems there is somebody who understands everything without saying much.
My question is - i had day 2 double embryo transfer on Thursday ( today is Saturday) what should i care of now. I know i cannot do much except waiting but your advice will work to boost the morale.
Many Thanks
Hello doctor,
ReplyDeleteI had 5d et with 2 embryos is 9tj day. I'm getting cramps like how i usually get every month before period. Is my ivf failed or can i have still hope ? If my ivf fails when wil i get period?please suggest.
A positive test is always encouraging - and tests can come back as positive as soon as 7 days after the ET.
ReplyDeletePlease register at so you can track and monitor your pregnancy
Best of luck !
Dr Malpani
Hi doctor, I am 3 days into having my embryo transfer. Is it safe to inhale bleach whilst cleaning?
ReplyDeleteHi doctor, It's been 3 days since I've had my embryo transfer. Is it safe to inhale bleach whilst cleaning?
ReplyDeleteHello Doc,
ReplyDeleteIts nice reading your blog. Had done my blast transfer on 8.6.15. My tests are to be done on 20.6.15. Today morning had cramps and also some spotting. Am taking progesteroms vaginally. My doc advised to tae injections for the next three days, Is the spotting and cramps (pain is such as we get in periods) worriesome. Kindly revert.
A positive pregnancy test is quite reliable and suggests you are pregnant
ReplyDeleteConfirm this with a HCG blood test please
Please register at so you can track and monitor your pregnancy
Hi Doctor.
ReplyDeleteI had my 3- Embryo transferred on 22-Jul. And today is the 6th day . I get cramps on left side of my abdomen. So is this a good sign or bad. Please let me know . I have my blood test on 6-Aug. Waiting for your early response.
Hi doctor
ReplyDeleteI underwent ivf daily taking heparin 20 units and also susten injection,progesterone vaginally daily evadiol per day eight this is my 17 the day after ivf.eggs taken on 17 the august and embryo transfer done on 19 the august.when can I take pregnancy test and also any symptoms before lasts month period day 1 is August 5 the so please do let me know
Hi doctor
ReplyDeleteMy wife had day 3 embryo for third time and previous 2 cycles are failure... She is having same menstruation symptoms which was earlier 2 cycles... Feeling bad.. Is it still there a hope for getting pregnant...
And she is on 4 th day of post ET... We travelled on vehicle for about 5 hours to come to native... And is it possible to get same symptoms and can we still hope for the best...thank u
DeleteDear Dr, Malpani
ReplyDeleteI am a 38 year old female with 2 previous failed ivf cycles. My first cycle was a 3 day transfer of a 10 cell and a morula nothing to freeze. My second cycle transferred 2 morula on day 5 nothing to freeze. Now in my 3rd cycle I have transferred 3 morula on day 5 nothing to freeze. Do you think I still have a chance since I never make it to blastocyst?
ReplyDeleteMy wife developed fever of 102 Deg.C within 4 hours of fresh ET (4 embryos D3) in a donor cycle. After taking paracetamol 500 mg, it reduced to 100 Deg.C within 2 hours. Is the high temperature indicative of rejection of the embryos? It is hard to get motivated to take medicines after this and we are thinking of discontinuing the medicines. Me, 44 & my wife 42. One donor fresh and FET failed already. This is second donor cycle.
No, the fever does not mean the embryo is being rejected ! The uterus is an immunologically privileged site and cannot reject embryos !
ReplyDeleteThe fever is most probably because of an infection
Please continue the meds and do the HCG as planned
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycles ? DO YOU HAVE PHOTOS OF YOUR EMBRYOS ? Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Thanks doctor. The fever has come down to 99 Deg.F (I mistakenly typed Deg.C last night) this morning.But the worry still remains as to what would have happened to the embryos. My wife has been very healthy ever since I know her and catches fever & cold very rarely. I read in some article that those with good immune system may have issues in immune cells attacking the embryos and treatment with IL may be necessary. I wonder whether the acute high fever is a result of such attack by immune cells on the embryos.
DeleteWe have decided to continue with Uterogestan pessaries 200mg thrice daily, Progynova 2mg thrice daily, Dexa 0.5 mg twice daily and ecospirin 75 mg once daily.
Progynova 2 mg thrice & Ecosporin we are taking from 3rd day.
In addition we are continuing with folic acid, omega 3, calcium, multi mineral supplement & Well Women once daily which we have been continuing for many months. My wife's ET was 7.4 mm on 4th day, 11.3 mm on 12th day. ET with 3 day old embryo took place on 13th day after starting Progesterone on 10th day. Please advice.
Thanks Doctor.
DeleteWe do not have the photo of the embryos.
My wife has been taking Uterogestan pessaries 200 mg thrice a day, Progynova 2 mg thrice a day & Ecosporin 75 mg once since starting Progesterone on 10th day of her cycle. Her ET with 4 numbers of 3 day old embryos was on 13th day. Dexa 0.5 mg twice a day was added since yesterday after ET. She had been taking Progynova thrice & Ecosporin once since 3rd day of her cycle. Moreover she has been taking for many months Omega 3, Calcium, Well Women, Folic acid with DHA and multi minerals supplements once a day. Please advice. My wife's fever subsided to 99 Deg.F this morning and again increased to 100 Deg.F and she is taking Dolo 650 mg once every 6 hours. Our worry is that if the fever is due to infection at uterus it could have damaged the embryos. If fever is due to immunological reaction that would also be a worry. I have read in one article that treating with IL before ET would help. Please advice where we could have gone wrong. My age is 44 & my wife's age is 42. The donor's age is 28 with a son of her own.
No, the immune cells cannot attack the embryo !
ReplyDeleteStill waiting for you to send me the photos of your embryos
Hi doctor, I was on vaginal progesterone supplements before IVF .. As tablets did not melt properly Dr did not advise vaginal supplements..after 4 days of transfer did progesterone test and it came 57. Please let me know if this number is good.
ReplyDeleteThanks Doctor, I have the photos now. Ho to attach with this post? Meanwhile I know that a temperature of 100.4 Deg.F compromises on the quality of sperms. Like this there must be some limit beyond which the eggs and embryos will suffer deterioration in quality, I think. But I do not know what is that temperature limit. While culturing the embryos the temperature, the set point is 37 Deg.C only. This is the reason I am worried that the embryos that were transferred would have been gone by now because of her body temperature of 102 Deg.F for 2 hours on the ET day (5th Nov.). Even now the temperature is varying between 99 Deg.F and 101 Deg.F. She is taking Dolo 650 mg once in 6 hours. But for the fever there are no other symptoms like cold, cough, sneeze, joint pains, etc.She is having normal hunger. The doctor told the ET process itself was smooth. I am confused.
ReplyDeletePregnant women can also get high fever and this does not harm their embryo / fetus, so please stop worrying needlessly