Thursday, February 05, 2009

Medical Tourism to India, All Expenses Paid - Global Doctor Options

Medical Tourism to India, All Expenses Paid - Global Doctor Options: "Perhaps 50,000 Americans currently go abroad for that kind of surgery. Hundreds of thousands of others go as actual medical tourists, combining cosmetic plastic surgery, extensive dental work, and other treatments with time spent sightseeing and lying on the beach in fun destinations like Mexico and Costa Rica.
Until now, however, the movement has largely been fueled by patients paying out of pocket. Health insurers and corporations have stayed on the sidelines, talking endlessly about whether to get involved and, if so, how. There's reason to be cautious. How can the quality of care abroad be guaranteed? What if an employee has a surgical complication after coming home?
But the potential savings for employers are too large to be ignored forever, and Serigraph, which has about 1,200 employees worldwide and slightly fewer than 1,000 in the United States, is taking the plunge. The pilot program will be administered by Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Wisconsin, an affiliate of WellPoint, the largest U.S. health insurer in numbers of members (and the originator of the Serigraph initiative)."

For patients who travel overseas, a PHR ( personal health record) is invaluable !

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