Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Was your IVF cycle canceled?

Most patients look forward to their IVF treatment , because they know it maximizes their chance of getting pregnant. However, when their doctor cancels  their cycle halfway, they're quite disappointed and disheartened, and are not sure what to do next.
If you're confused, please reach out to us , because we specialize in treating patients who have failed IVF cycles elsewhere, as well as those whose cycles were canceled in other clinic.
Step 1 is to drill down and find out why the cycle was canceled.
Was the problem during the superovulation ? Was it because the doctor couldn't grow eggs properly ? Or that there were too many eggs?  
Or was the problem in the lab, with failed fertilization or poor quality embryos ?
Step 2 is to get a second opinion.
Once we have all of the medical details, we can then fine tune your superovulation protocol in such a way that we can go ahead with your treatments.
Thus, if your problem was a poor ovarian response, we can put you on supplements and change your superovulation protocol , to help you to grow more eggs.
If the problem was that you grew too many eggs because you have PCOD ( polycystic ovarian disease), then we can offer a gentler  superovulation protocol which reduces the risk of OHSS to zero.
If your cycle was cancelled, please don’t get disheartened and reach out to us ! Sometimes repeating your IVF cycle in a clinic with greater expertise and experience can make a world of a difference !
Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you !

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