I'm a big believer in Information Therapy, and I think the
internet is a great tool to allow infertile patients to learn a lot.
I encourage patients to go online to educate themselves, but
they're not very good at assessing the information they find. They can't
differentiate between reliable websites, and those which peddle myths and
misconceptions !
Here's a strategy which works well. You need to take a two-step approach.
First, work on making sure your knowledge base is solid .
Get your scientific and medical facts right, by acquiring this from reliable
websites, such as www. ivfindia .com, or WebMD.
This is medical information which is sound , reliable and trustworthy.
Lots of sites are run by quacks, or people who want to sell you their services.
After you are sure you understand the facts, you can then blend
this sound foundation with personal stories. You can find these on bulletin
boards , forums, or on Quora. Since these are usually first person accounts, you
cannot extrapolate this anecdotal experience to your own treatment !
This is the best way you can get the best of both worlds !
If you try reversing the order, you will get completely messed up and confused.
What to find an IVF clinic which respects your time and
intelligence ?
WhatsApp us at https://wa.me/919867441589/