The embryo(s) which are transferred to your uterus are just microscopic ball of cells. You cannot see your embryo with your naked eye; you need a microscope , which would enlarge it several hundred times , before you can view it. When your embryos fail to implant and give rise to a pregnancy, they die and disintegrate. Cells die in the human body all the time, and these dead cells are removed by your body’s scavenging machinery. When you get periods after a failed cycle, only the endometrium which is formed during that particular IVF cycle is sloughed off. Since you took lots of hormones , your endometrial lining might be thicker than usual and you might experience heavier menstrual bleeding or you might have more clots (which appears like a tissue) than you normally do. This doesn’t mean you are having a miscarriage or that the transferred embryo was expelled.
If one of my embryos implant, what happens to the other embryo(s) which was transferred along with it?
The embryos which did not implant die and disintegrate. They are removed by your bodies cleaning machinery. You do not need a menstrual period to remove them from your uterus and neither do they harm your developing baby, so do not panic !
This is an excerpt from our forthcoming, book, The Expert Patient's Guide to IVF. This being authored by our expert patient, Manju and me.
You can email Manju at
Her blog is at
If one of my embryos implant, what happens to the other embryo(s) which was transferred along with it?
The embryos which did not implant die and disintegrate. They are removed by your bodies cleaning machinery. You do not need a menstrual period to remove them from your uterus and neither do they harm your developing baby, so do not panic !
This is an excerpt from our forthcoming, book, The Expert Patient's Guide to IVF. This being authored by our expert patient, Manju and me.
You can email Manju at
Her blog is at
Thank you so much for the information. I was searching for an answer but it was so difficult, doesn't seem like anyone interested to know when the embryos go when it was not implanted.
ReplyDeleteThe embryo dies and the cells get silently reabsorbed
DeleteI am day 6 after frozen embryo transfer. The egg was starting to hatch before is was inserted into my uterus. Last night I woke to go to the toilet (pee)and noticed a small white blot in the bowl which I felt . Could this be my failed embryo?
ReplyDeleteNo. Embryos are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye. Please don't let your mind play games with you
DeleteI had 2 frozen embryos on the 27th October
ReplyDeleteOn Wednesday 9th November I got my hcg results and were 647. Thursday the day after I had cramps and also a bit of bleeding, the bleeding was more pink than red but then did have a bit of red as day went on. Friday I went for bloods and my hcg dropped to 430. I have to go for bloods on Monday. I'm just wanting to know could I have lost one embryo and the other could still be ok. And maybe Monday the hcg picks up again
Thank you. I'm so worried
I am sorry, a drop in your HCG means you have miscarried
DeleteNo, the HCG will not rise now, sorry
I had ET on 3 Feb(5 day transfer) and today is my 8th day (3 embryo transfer)still don't feel any symptoms. When I should go for test becoz my Dr. Called me on 23rd Feb but I think it is so long to wait. How I can know everything is OK. Thanku
ReplyDeleteYou can do a beta HCG 12 days after a Day 3 transfer
I had a day 5 transfer on April19th. Just 1hatching embryo. I took a hpt yesterday and it was negative. Could I still be too early? It was an early detection test. I go for my beta in 2 days. Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteI agree this is not good news, sorry
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Follistem 150iu Ovidrel
ReplyDelete13 follicles harvested
E2 2371.50
e2 1163.30
EDO 11
1 embryo
Grade 4aa
I need photos of your embryo please. All good clinics provide these routinely and proactively
DeleteI can't get it over the weekend. based on this info, what are your educated thoughts? Also, I am 32years old with 1 healthy 3 year old little girl. If that info helps. My husband was diagnosed with a morphology issue.
ReplyDeleteWhat does it mean if you transferred 2 embryos got a negative pregnancy beta. However, 3 weeks later your HCG is 1100 . Nothing is seen om ultrasound to get a conclusive image for ectopic. Is the embryo just absorbed into the body that is producing the numbers to keep rising.
ReplyDeleteThank you,
You seem to have an ectopic pregnancy
The ultrasound scan is not meant to visualise the ectopic pregnancy. If you want that long, there is a risk it may rupture !
I had my transfer on 6/22/2017 and tested HPT on 6/24/2017. I am 43 years old had 12 eggs 11 fertilized and made it to blastocyst. I had them all tested for PGD. My results 2 days post was negative. should I be worried.
ReplyDeleteYou tested too early !
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hi I had my transfer on 6/9 2 embryo and they used embryo glue but after transfer I have cramping like periods cramps what that means ? Didn't work ?
ReplyDeleteI had two blastocyst transfer on 6 sept.First beta hcg test was on 18 sept.HCG level was 715.2.On 25 sept I started bleeding which last for same day only.On 27sept, i did a urine test at home and it shows positive.What does it mean?I am on progynova,progestetone gel,ecosprin.Tranostat was adviced when i started bleeding.
DeleteYou need to do a vaginal ultrasound scan to confirm the pregnancy is healthy
19 day scene transfer, positive test, hcg, on day 14 way 158. We did two embryos on day three. I have had random spoting. Could this be from the embryo that didn't make it.
ReplyDeleteCongrats !
DeleteSpotting and bleeding during pregnancy is quite common. This usually comes from the uterus and does not harm the baby
Please rest and drink lots of fluids and it should stop.
I got my ET done with donor eggs on 28th my hcg done on 12th october that showed hcg level as 2207...meanwhile i suffered from severe UTI with blood clots in urine routine test showed innumerable pus cells and protein traces..took oral antibiotics and still blood clots continued to pass with admitted in hospital from 14-17 oct for injectable repeat hcg test showed hcg level of 12181 and urine culture showed organism has suggested sonography after 8 days, around 24 or 25 concern is am still getting blood clots with or without urine. What does that mean? I am also suffering from headache, nausea without vomitting, fatigue.
ReplyDeletePlease suggest.
The HCG is rising well, and this is reassuring
DeleteYou need to do a vaginal ultrasound scan to confirm the pregnancy is healthy
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
I had 3 embryos transferred . I got positive result at 18dp3t. But my hcg level was 200 scince then I'm taking hcg shot every 5 th day and will test again after 12 days . What do u think? Is 200 too low ???
ReplyDeleteI got positive result after after 18 day after 3 days transfer(3 embryos )
Hcg level was 200
My doc put me on hcg shots for 12 days.without monitoring my hcg level more . My next test will be after 5 days.
Why she is doing this. Is 200 low?
This is poor medical treatment
Repeat the HCG test in 2 days. In a healthy pregnancy, it should double
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
PS Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby – A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
Online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
Relationship at
Can implantation happen on third day after fertilization
ReplyDeleteAssuming fertilization today (5nov) and implantation on 7 Nov
If it happens then is it ectopic pregnancy?
Implantation is a silent process and we cannot determine when it happens
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycle ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
On October 31st I had two embryos transferred yesterday was day 8 and I started bleeding is it possible that one embryo have taken and the other one didn't or is it a possibility that both embryos didn't take and I started my cycle
ReplyDeleteBleeding so soon after an embryo transfer is a bad sign, and suggests your cycle has failed, sorry
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycles ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
Hi. I had fet on Nov 7 wit two embryos. On Nov 20 my beta was negative. My protocol after transfer was progesterone oil every 3 nights, 2 progesterone pills and 2 estradiol vaginally nightly. In the morning I was taking 1 progesterone pill and 1 estradiol.
ReplyDeleteI need more information to be able to provide you with intelligent advise.
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycles ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
I had my ivf on nov 21 transferred with 3 embryos.from yesterday Dec 9 am bleeding only when I urinate.,
ReplyDeleteAlso my hcg level is low. What does it mean ? Kindly any one can answer?
This is not good news and suggest your cycle has failed
DeleteWhat your HCG level.
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
hi I had a transfer done on the 15 Dec and worrying that I might not be pregnant it's been 5 days now and it's in my mind about it this whole time i.m due for a blood tests in 9 days and I.m on clexane once a day and I.m on crinone gel twice a day folic acid 5mg and estrofem too and because it's day 5 I have had no bleed spotting or anything WATS so ever Wat yas think
DeleteHello, i had embryo transfer 30Nov and 11Dec did hcg level tested 47.3 which my doctor confirmed positive. But i'm still worried because am having period-like cramps sometimes but no bleeding or spoting. Is it a good sign?
DeleteRepeat the test in 2 days. In a healthy pregnancy, it should double
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
Bombay 400 005. India
Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073
Helping you to build your family !
PS Watch our infertility cartoon film at
Read our book, How to Have a Baby – A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
Online at !
Read my blog about improving the doctor-patient
Relationship at
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ReplyDeleteI am in the exact situation minus the gel. I had my transfer the 15th have taken test even today, all are negative. Beta is Tuesday. I just don't know either way. I have no symptoms at all. That's all I can think about. Christmas right around the corner and I'm dying for Tuesday to get here! What do you think?
DeleteEach day during the dreaded 2ww can seem like a week !
DeleteHang in there !
I had my ET on 12/21/17 Was told by my doctor that my uterus and endometrian lining was perfect. I had my first beta blood test 12/29/17 and it was Negative. I still feel like am Pregnant. In the past my sister and I had a False negative. Is it possible for me to still be pregnant? Have you ever heard of this problem doing IVF?
ReplyDeleteNo - a negative blood test for HCG is very reliable and confirms you are not pregnant, sorry
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycles ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
I had 2 x FET already oct and December respectively, both with 1 embryo as Per MD safe suggestion. I had Hcg done yesterday and again its another negative. I don’t have any symptoms of implantation, just white blood came out on day 4. I followed and took all medicines religiously without fail. Now I only have 1 more embryo left and that’s it’s for me. Any advice? Thank you.
ReplyDeleteYes, IVF failure can be frustrating
DeleteCan you send me more details about your IVF cycles ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Hello I had 2 FET day 5 embryos transferred and only 1 implanted. I had experienced bleeding and was told at 6wks I had a sub chronic hemorrhage but the baby had a normal heartbeat. However, a week later I was bleeding again and this time there was no heartbeat due to this hemorrhage. My question is, could the embryo that did not implant turn into this sub chronic hemorrhage? We plan on trying again however if this is a possible risk with trying 2 embryos we would maybe reconsider. Thank you
ReplyDeleteNo, the subchorionic hematoma does not affect the baby
DeleteI agree this is not good news and suggests you have an anembryonic pregnancy ( missed abortion)
commonest reason for a miscarriage is a genetic abnormality in the fetus, and this is Nature’s defense mechanism, to prevent the birth of an abnormal baby. These defects are random.
The fact you have conceived once ( even though you did miscarry) means your chances
Of having a healthy baby are excellent, so please don’t get disheartened !
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
I had 4 FET day 3 embryos Trf on 16th April.. yesday & today (day 9& 10) I got watery discharge in d mornings. No spotting. May I know why this discharge?
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to explain this, but it's quite common, so please don't let your mind play games with you.
DeleteYour embryos are safe in your uterus, like a pearl in an oyster. Nothing you do can harm them , so please do not worry about this.
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
Hi Doctor.
ReplyDeleteI had my first FET on day 5 blastocyst recently 28 april 2018.
Since day transfer my body keep warm esp at lower part as if i am having period cramp as well.
Does it mean the implantation failed?
Any advise how should i be more prepared in next FET?
Dear Farhana,
DeleteNo, these symptoms mean nothing !
Your embryos are safe in your uterus, like a pearl in an oyster. Nothing you do can harm them , so please do not worry about this.
Please do not let your mind play games with you
Can you send me more details about your IVF cycle ?
You can see what embryos should look like at
What were the meds which were used for
superovulation ? What was the dose used ? How many follicles did you grow ? How many eggs were collected ? What was the E2 ( estradiol) level in the blood at the time of the HCG trigger ? What was the endometrial thickness ?
How many embryos were transferred ?
What was the embryo quality ?
Can you please send me the printed treatment summary from your IVF clinic ?
We look forward to helping you to have a baby !
This is my 1st IVF cycle. ICSI on frozen eggs was done on 03/05/2018. We had 4 good embryos. The doctor has transferred 2 embryos on 06/05/2018 which were a 3 day embryo & would transfer 1 more on 08/05/2018 which would be a 5 day blastocyst as 2 embryos have been put for blastocyst culture.
ReplyDeleteWould transferring a blastocyst tomorrow harm the other 2 embryos which have been transfered yesterday... will my pregnancy chances increase.. is it w good idea to do 2 transfers in the same cycle
I don't think a sequential transfer is a good idea - it increases the risk of a multiple pregnancy !
DeleteHowever, some labs which don't have enough confidence in their skills will continue to transfer on Day 3.
Do you have photos of your embryos ?