Saturday, February 06, 2016

IVF success story at Malpani Infertility Clinic

We have been married for 8 years and tried for kids for last 6 years. We came to know about our issue after going through medical tests. I came across a book(how to have a baby over coming infertility) written by Dr Malpani. We visited his clinic in 2010.we were not sure about ivf treatment in 1st meeting.
We tried everything including Ayurveda treatment,allopathy  etc...nothing worked out except time running out.
After 4years we decided to visit once again Dr.Malpani clinic.
He clearly guided us if we did treatment earlier any where we would have two kids at least.
We surveyed  more clinics but were disappointed coz in all of d clinics procedure was done by junior docs n not d DoC whose clinic it was...he would come only during one major procedure n within no time goes away..
We wanted a doc who give us personalised attention ..n finally v were rewarded in d form of doc Malpani...he has d best in house facilities along with any eye on our every procedure... I had one failed ivf n then v went for a bonus cycle.. V had lots of hope in that cycle but luck didn't favour us ..on that particular day when I got a negative result I got a call from doc n he promised me he ll give me a baby ..n that was a big hope building material...again v gathered all d energy n went for another cycle ..
This time god showered happiness n I got a positive result...this was all due to Dr Malpani...I m grateful to him n his team for d happiness he has given us ..
Thank u sir ,madam n all d staff..v would never forget what u have done for us..
One more thing before I conclude..Dr malpani still is in touch through mails..he still guide us with his valuable advice about every problem v have..he doesn't leave his patients after treatment...happy to share this with u of luck to all d couples who r trying for a baby....

Don't lose hope n get help from Dr Malpani...all d best

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