Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Does exercise help to increase IVF success rates ?

It’s common knowledge that exercising and maintaining a healthy diet are key to keeping healthy. However there is little research as to whether exercise can help with In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) or not.

Here are some reasons that maintaining a good, but moderate level of physical fitness may help:


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    Dear Dr,

    Being overweight, underweight, being anemic, overexercising, not exercising, eating unhealthy food, eating high glycemic index food, not taking folic acid, TSH value marginally higher (not within 1-2 range), having a stressful life, nutrient deprivation, not drinking enough water, not having enough sleep, caffeine, alchohol....whatelse????. I am fed up of this list! But one thing is for sure, this IVF journey has kept me healthy.

    The only reality is that more younger you are the more easy it is to conceive (whether in a bedroom or via IVF). I have heard enough stories (from my gynaecologist sister) about woman who conceive with a hemoglobin level of 6, with high TSH values, with their uterus sutured several times due to multiple caesarians, etc and etc conceive very easily and carrying baby to term and the only common feature among them is they are all young, very young (less than 25 years).

    I look around and see most young woman conceiving and carrying a pregnancy to term without any problem, even if they are overweight or underweight, whether they eat healthy or not!

    YOUNG EGGS PROMOTE IVF SUCCESS!- this is the only well-known truth as far as IVF is concerned.

    All other things are just speculations! But even if they have no proof, if those speculations help us to maintain a healthy body and mind they are most welcome :)


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