Monday, December 12, 2016

IVF patients beware - lots of expensive "add-on" treatments are unproven and waste your money

"Nearly all costly add-on treatments offered by fertility clinics to increase the chance of a birth through IVF are not supported by high-quality evidence," BBC News reports, covering the findings of a review by experts in evidence-based medicine.

IVF "add-ons" include a wide variety of treatments such as pre-implantation genetic screening, where the chromosomes of conceived embryos are checked for genetic conditions, as well as various drug treatments for blood clotting and immunity.  

Lots of IVF clinics "up-sell" their patients additional treatments, such as PGS, immune therapy, and NK cell testing . These help to add to the profits of the clinic, but do not improve success rates.

Sadly, patients are very vulnerable, and doctors exploit their ignorance !

Please, please read this excellent article, so you don't waste your money on unproven costly options.
This describes what happens in the UK - conditions are much worse in India !

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