Monday, April 27, 2009

WHO: Continuing medical education in India

WHO: Continuing medical education in India: "Delays in legislation slow the progress of continuing medical education in India

Indian medical associations say their doctors desperately need continuing medical education (CME) to keep them up to date with the latest drugs, equipment and medical practices but legislation to make this a requirement has made little progress.

The Medical Council of India is campaigning for CME to be made compulsory, as it is in the UK and some US states, for the country’s 615 000 registered doctors and has proposed a draft amendment to a law that would standardize medical practice across the country while making sure it is up to date with the latest developments.

If passed into law, mandatory CME for registered doctors in India could set a precedent for other developing countries but some Indian doctors say their medical associations have failed to lobby hard enough for this and lawmakers have been slow to respond.

“There is resistance to change by [health] professionals who lack the opportunity for undergoing good quality CME, and lack incentives as well as motivation for attending CME programmes,” said Dr P.T. Jayawickramarajah, Coordinator at the WHO’s Regional Office for South-East Asia in New Delhi."

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