Friday, November 18, 2022

How to get a 100% pregnancy rate in IVF

A 100% IVF success rate is the Holy Grail for all IVF doctors and patients , because it would make everyone's life so much easier !

The reason this is never going to happen is that human reproduction is not efficient. We know that about 50% of top-quality blastocysts will have genetic defects, which is why they will not implant , and we can’t either prevent this or diagnose it, because current preimplantation genetic testing ( PGT) is very flawed and inaccurate.

This is fact of life that both doctors, as well as well-informed patients, need to  come to terms with . They understand that they need to be patient until they get pregnant , and it’s impossible to predict in advance which blastocyst will become a baby.

However , many doctors are quite unethical and fool their patients by giving them an HCG injection routinely after the embryo transfer . Now this HCG hormone will appear in the blood and get excreted in their urine , which means both the Urine Pregnancy Test and the blood HCG test will be positive . The clueless patient will be ecstatic that the treatment was successful and that they are finally pregnant . They will give the credit to their doctor , and it is only when the HCG levels start dropping that they realise that they have been taken for a ride. It’s a handful of bad clinics that do this and end up giving all IVF specialists a bad reputation

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