Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Can you trust your IVF doctor ?


The bedrock of a healthy doctor-patient relationship is trust , which is why it’s so important that you be able to trust your doctor .

The tragedy is that not all IVF doctors are trustworthy .

It’s important that your doctor works to earn your trust – and equally important that you verify that you're giving your trust to a doctor who deserve it !

If you trust a bad doctor , you will get into serious trouble , and reduce your chances of getting pregnant dramatically.

This is why good IVF doctors are open , answerable , accountable and transparent , because they know they need to work to own your trust – they cannot take this for granted.

They spend time talking with you, and proactively answering all your questions .

They share the treatment plan in writing, so you know exactly what to expect, what’s going to happen during your IVF cycle.

They carefully explain how your follicles are growing during your scans, and interpret your blood test results for you during the superovulation .

They also make it a point to share your embryo photos with you.

This is tangible evidence that the doctor has done a good job with your IVF treatment .

This documentation is what inspires trust in the patient .

If a doctor doesn't do this routinely and proactively, then you should worry why he is not following global good practices .

Maybe he doesn’t deserve to be trusted !

Don’t fritter away your valuable trust on the wrong doctor and burn your fingers – and your money !


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