Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The IVF cycle cancellation scam

Corporate chains of IVF clinics seem to have come up with all kinds of creative ways of extracting money from their patients .
One the commonest scams I've seen these days is to charge a hefty cycle cancellation fee.
Thus, all patients are advised to do IVF, even when the doctor knows they are not likely to grow any eggs, because they have very poor ovarian reserve.
The IVF treatment cycle is started , and the patient is asked to pay the full fee in advance as a deposit. However, when patient doesn’t grow any follicles , the cycle is cancelled, and the doctor charges a fat fee.
Inspite of knowing  that the patient is not a good candidate for IVF, the doctor still goes ahead and starts the cycle . What’s worse is that they deliberately use a low dose of injections to try to reduce the ovarian response even further, because they make money on canceling the cycle. Sometimes this is as much as 80% of the total fees, even though the clinic has not incurred any lab expenses at all.
In our clinic , our IVF cycle cancellation fees are zero , because we understand the heartbreak having to cancel a cycle causes, and we don't want to add to the patient’s misery by levying a financial cost on top of this.

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