Friday, November 16, 2018

How can you be sure that your IVF doctor is telling you the truth?

This is always a big problem for most IVF patients. How can you trust your IVF doctor?
How do you know whether what he's telling you is in his best interests , or in your best interests?
Is he telling you to do IVF because that is actually your best treatment option, or is it that his advice is based on the fact that that's the most profitable treatment option for him to offer?
This is always a million dollar question, and there are lots of doubts in IVF patients' minds. It's hard to be sure whether the advice you're getting is high quality or not.
This is why doctors need to be open and transparent, and share as much information as possible, so that patients know in advance what the standard operating procedures and treatment protocols are.
This is why evidence based guidelines, which tell IVF doctors what they should be doing and when, are so helpful.  Patients can analyze these , and make sure that the advice which their doctor is giving them is correct.
You can download the IVF comic book free at
and this will help you verify that your IVF doctor's advice is correct.
Or you can send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you !


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