Wednesday, July 13, 2016

A doctor whom I admire

All of us have role models in our life and one of the doctors whom I look up to is a good friend , Dr. Rupin Shah, who is about five years senior to me .

He is an andrologist , and specialises in treating infertile men. He is truly a doctor's doctor , because he's done pioneering work in the field of male infertility . He is considered to be India's number one andrologist, and is invited to give lectures all over the world. He is great demand, and travels all over the world because IVF clinics ask him to perform surgical procedures such as testicular sperm retrieval to help their infertile patients to have a baby.

What I admire about him is that he's extremely open and transparent , and is willing  to teach and share information generously. Not only is he a great surgeon with superb technical skills , he's also academically very sound. He is well-read and well-informed , and has a point of view which he can support with facts and figures.

Even better, he is flexible and has adapted his surgical techniques over time, so that he improves year after year. He has devised lots of extremely clever solutions for the infertile man , so that using his techniques it is possible for Indian doctors to retrieve sperm from men with testicular failure at one-tenth the cost of what doctors in the US charge.

Not only is he a great surgeon, he also has lots of other interests which he pursues passionately, and this seems to keep him young and fit. He loves hiking; is an expert meditator; has mastered malakumbh; and is now learning Sanskrit.

My only complaint is that even though he has so much clinical experience , he doesn't share it with the rest of the world . I have been prodding him to keep a blog and upload his surgical videos to youtube, so that doctors all over the world can benefit from his expertise. I am hoping to be able to goad him into writing a book , because he has so many stories to share !

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