Saturday, November 21, 2015

Cost of IVF in India

Most infertile couples who are considering doing IVF have some common concerns and queries about it; one of the major concerns is the cost of IVF in India. They know that it’s going to cost them a pretty penny and they aren’t wrong. IVF was never an inexpensive treatment and in many cases, this factor acts as a deterrent for some couples. Just like any other treatment, IVF costs differ from one clinic to the next. Let’s understand a little more about what is involved in this treatment and how its pricing works.

At the Malpani infertility Clinic, a complete IVF cycle costs only US $ 4000.
This includes all medical treatments and procedures. Medicines would cost about US $ 1000 more. However, the cost of medications can vary, and depend upon how many injections you need for adequate superovulation.

 Included services in our IVF cost:

    Ovarian stimulation monitoring
    Anesthesia for egg retrieval
    Egg retrieval procedure
    Fertilization and culture of the eggs
    Embryo transfer procedure
    All physician, IVF lab, and facility fees associated with in vitro fertilization

There is NO extra cost for doing ICSI or a blastocyst transfer !

Excluded services - not included in our IVF costs:

    Pre-IVF screening tests
   Blood tests ( such as E2 levels)
    Embryo or sperm freezing or storage - these are optional services

Why is the Cost of IVF so High?

The fact to keep in view here is that most couples may not get pregnant in the first cycle and may have to go through multiple ones before they meet with success. This is what escalates the cost of IVF On the bright side, this cost is still far lower than what it costs in many countries across the globe. Of course , there could be a variation in cost based on individual treatments, the type of fertility drugs used and whether advanced treatments like embryo freezing, ICSI and egg or sperm donation are used or not.

So the next logical question- If the cost of IVF in India is so high, then why do people opt for it? The answer is pretty simple really…

India now has the latest medical technology and also has fertility specialists with impressive credentials and skilled medical staff; this has significantly improved the way IVF is performed in India and the success rates are very high as well. It’s hardly surprising that people from all over the world come here for their treatment.

IVF success rates are inversely proportionate with the age of the woman. The lower the age, higher the success rates and vice versa. However, IVF success rates in each cycle are much higher compared to that of treatments such as IUI. The greater the number of cycles the woman undergoes, the higher the chance of success.

Not happy with the attention you are getting from your IVF clinic? Need more information? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you!


  1. IVF done on 20 April 2016

    BHCG 04-05-2016
    Value - 2169.00

    1. Good, this confirms you are pregnant, congrats !

      Please register at so you can track and monitor your pregnancy

  2. Yes, cost of IVF is a major concern among India couples who are not able conceive naturally. Thanks sharing this information.
