Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Repeat IVF cycle - second time lucky ?

Women who are doing their second IVF cycle often find their experience very different from their first IVF cycle. In many ways, the second cycle is a smoother ride as patients know what to expect, and they understand the procedure; plus they have dealt with failure! In effect, this makes them stronger and more resilient from an emotional viewpoint; they are able to cope with the peaks and troughs much better.

By this time, they have also built a strong relationship with the team at the IVF clinic and they find it much easier to connect with them. In most instances, the response in a repeat cycle is better too, as we have a better understanding about how the patients’ body behaves. This helps us tweak the treatment protocol based on our learning from the first treatment cycle for that patient.

However, regardless of whether it’s the 1st cycle or the 5th, the one thing that makes any cycle difficult is the excruciatingly lengthy and much dreaded 2ww. The uncertainty is a definite stress point for the patient, and not knowing whether this will finally be the cycle in which they will get pregnant, can be killing. Despite the fact that we have been doing this for the last 25 years, this wait is as stressful for us as it is for the patient.

Uncertainty that Sears Feelings

The suspense and uncertainty lingers like fog while we simply wait for the HCG results with as much anxiety as our patients do, because we want all our patients to get pregnant. However, despite all the efforts we put into the treatment, there are times when all our hard work and efforts are in vain and the cycle fails. And deep down at the bottom of our hearts we feel that tinge of sadness even though we know that we have done our best and that any other clinic wouldn’t have been able to do any more or better.

Our patients come to us with confidence and trust and most of all – hope. And in one sense, when a cycle fails, it also means we have let our patient down by not being able to give her a baby.  However, we have no option but to pick up the pieces and move on with our lives. The only salve for our wounded feelings is the fact we have peace of mind that we have given our patient the best medical treatment possible; and the best shot at getting pregnant.

Transparent Dealings

In order to achieve this end, we go to great lengths to educate and counsel our patients; even before they come in for a consultation- we do this through our website. During the course of this treatment, we make sure to share documentation and are very open and transparent with communicating progress with our patients. This helps in aligning expectations and our patients are able to deal with some of the uncertainties that are a part and parcel of IVF, in a much better way.

Need help in bouncing back after a failed IVF cycle? Need more information? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at www.drmalpani.com/free-second-opinion so that I can guide you better!

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