Tuesday, July 28, 2015

IVF Patients who should not come to us for their IVF Treatment

We take pride in the fact that we’re a boutique IVF clinic which provides high quality services . One of our specialties is taking care of patients who have failed IVF cycles before. These are challenging patients , and because we can focus our energies and extensive experience and expertise on them, it's fun to succeed when another IVF clinic has failed.

However, just like there are some patients who we think we are the best clinic for, there are also some patients that should not be coming to us for their IVF treatment.

The first group is patients who have unrealistic expectations from their IVF treatment.  I understand that everyone wants to get pregnant in their first IVF cycle, but this is a holy grail we have still not been able to achieve. Patients who have unrealistic expectations are very hard to manage because not only are they miserable and unhappy if their cycle fails, they also end up getting upset and angry with their IVF doctor for no fault of his. Unhappy patients make for unhappy doctors - and this can be a toxic combination.

The second group is patients who want a sweet talking doctor - someone who will provide false hope. While I am very optimistic, I am also the kind of doctor who calls a spade a spade and while the truth can be cruel, I think false hope can be crueller. We prefer treating patients who have the maturity to accept the truth , and to be able to deal with it.  We want patients who do their homework, who are well informed and who are willing to participate in the decision making process - not those who want the doctor to make all the choice for them because they want to be spoonfed .  IVF is an elective treatment , and patients’ preferences are extremely important in deciding the course of action, so we want patients who are willing to speak up and who have the confidence to make their own decisions for themselves, in partnership with us.  We don’t want patients who want to leave everything up to the doctor , and who refuse to think for themselves.

We work hard at making sure our patients get the best medical care, and we enjoy treating patients who respect the effort we put in - those who understand that you can judge the quality of IVF care by assessing the process the clinic follows , rather than just the outcome, which is not something which is in our hands.

I believe that doctors get the patients that they deserve and patients get their doctors they deserve. If patients are not a good fit for us , then I think it’s better that they don’t come to us for their IVF treatment . After all, it's not possible for a doctor to keep all his patients happy all the time, if they are not in sync with each other. When both the doctor and patient are on the same page, both are going to much happier !

Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at www.drmalpani.com/free-second-opinion so that I can guide you better !

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