Friday, April 24, 2015

Repeat IVF Cycles

Women who are doing their second IVF cycle will often find their experience very different from their first IVF cycle.  In some senses , the second IVF cycle is a lot easier because patients have already been through a cycle, so they understand exactly what's involved, and have dealt with the failure. They understand that not all IVF cycles work , and because they have been able to bounce back from the failure , they find they are emotionally resilient , and can cope with these ups and downs.  They also have a relationship with the IVF clinic  team, so it is easier for them to connect with them.

Often the response in a second cycle is better , because we understand how the patient's body  behaves , and we can tweak her treatment protocol based on what we have learned in the first treatment cycle.  However, the one thing which makes every cycle difficult, no matter whether it is the first or the fifth is that dreaded two week waiting period ( 2ww) . It's the uncertainty which can be draining - the not knowing whether this is the cycle where they are finally going to get pregnant , or whether it's going to be another failure. It's stressful for patients - and it's stressful for us as well, even though we have been doing IVF for over 25 years.

There's always that suspense and that uncertainty , and we wait for the HCG results with as much anxiety as our patients do , because we want all our patients to get pregnant . When the cycle fails , in spite of all the hard work and effort which both the clinic and the patient have put in,  our hearts breaks a little bit , even though we know that we have done our best , and that no other clinic could have done any more . We feel bad that when the patient has come to us with so much confidence and trust , in one sense we have let her down by not being able to give her a baby. 

But both the patient and our team need to pick up the pieces , and move on with our lives. At the end of the day , we need to have peace of mind that we have given the patient the best possible medical treatment so that she has had the best shot at getting pregnant.  In order to do this, we spend a lot of time in educating and counselling our patients  even before they come to the clinic through our website. During the treatment , we are very open and transparent with sharing documentation , so that expectations are aligned and it's easier for our patients to deal with some of the uncertainties which IVF holds for all of us.

Need help in bouncing back after a failed IVF cycle ? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you better !

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