Saturday, January 17, 2015

How to Pinpoint When you Will Get Pregnant

Baby-making is all about timing and in order to target it right, you will have to zero-in on the fertility zones in your cycle. Of course, there are no guarantees that you will get it right the first time around. But look at it this way- if you have a flight to catch, don’t you need to know what the reporting time is?  

The Phases

There are a number of things you can do right through the month, to magnify the odds of conceiving. Let’s take a look at what these are:

·         During your Period- By the 3rd day of your period, your estrogen levels will be on the rise because your ovaries are getting ready to prepare the eggs that will be released when you ovulate. On an average, ovulation is 14-days before your period starts.

Tools to track your fertile time

You can use an ovulation predictor kit to track your ovulation. You can also use our free fertility app which you can download at !

Unless you are an extremely early ovulator, the chances are dim that your partner’s sperm will have any eggs to actually work with in this particular phase of your cycle.  The odds of you conceiving are almost zilch.

 ·         Pre-ovulation- I always recommend to couples who are trying to have a baby, that they should have sex at least 2-3 times a week, after the period gets over in order to cover the ovulation window.

     Here’s a little tip. Around Day-7 of your cycle, you will notice that your vaginal discharge is slightly sticky to the touch.

In a couple of days, you will notice that it has turned creamy & white in color- this is an indication that your fertile time is starting . This way you know that ovulation is right round the corner.

It’s a good time to get some of your partner’s swimmers in place (sperm can live upto 5 days if it is trapped within fertile cervical mucus. ) Your odds of conception are good in this phase. Though the egg has not really been released at this point, it’s a good time to add a boost to your sexual routine, in case you ovulate before time.

·         Ovulation- This is the zenith of conception. Regardless of the duration of your periods or your cycle length, ovulation will typically start around 14 days just before your next period. After this this occurs, your body temperature will rise by around half a degree.

However, the rise in BBT happens only after you ovulate, by which time it is too late to time baby making sex.

Ovulation kits can come in handy for pinpointing baby making sex. Once the result is positive, you should have sex and continue doing so for a window of 36 hours. At this point the odds of you conceiving are very high.

·         Post-ovulation- This is the fag end of your cycle . This is called the luteal phase and lasts for 14 days. The progesterone levels will start rising;  and your cervical mucus dries up and acts like a plug that prevents any more sperm from swimming into the uterus.

It takes around 6 days for the fertilized egg to then travel to the uterus. If one implants itself in your endometrium, the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) will rise. This is the hormone that is measured via home pregnancy tests.

During the luteal phase, your odds of conceiving are very low , and there isn’t much that can happen till next month.

The Best Try

As you can see, for couples who are trying to have a baby, all this calculation, checking and re-checking can be quite a task. But there are many tools you can use to get it right. As I mentioned earlier, there really are no guarantees that you will get pregnant at first try, but it’s definitely worth all the trouble if you do, don’t you think?

For more information and guidance about how you can plan your pregnancy, you can contact me via this online form, so that I can guide you in a better way!

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