Monday, December 15, 2014

Why are so many IVF patients are unhappy with their IVF clinic ?

I just received this email from a patients.

" I , AV , 39years along with my wife , BN, 41 years have been married for the past 2 years. Hence we right away though of IVF treatment considering our age. We have been doing IVF treatment in a clinic in Bandra Mumbai for the past 18months. We have done 3 cycles for collection of embryo and so far we have had 2 failed embryo transfers. At this moment we are left with 7 A grade embryos 3 B Grade  embryos and 1 C grade embryo . Our last  failed attempt being done in the month of November 2014. we are planning  to come down to Mumbai again in the last week of February 2015

Our biggest problem has been that we did not get any real direct interaction with the doctors. Our assistant doctors also kept on changing every time we went there for a pick up or a transfer. At times information was passed on to us through the nurses and we were not sure if we were getting the right answers...

We find ourselves in a lot of turmoil right now... feeling that the time is running  out for us...
we would like to know if you can help."
It breaks my heart when I receive emails like this. While it's true that IVF doesn't have  a 100% success rate, IVF patients should have a good experience during their cycle, so they have peace of mind they received the best medical care. Treatment is expensive , and patients deserve hands-on personalised care.

Sadly, the experience this patient described is remarkably common , and seems to be par for the course. Patients put up with this poor quality care because they don't know they should expect better. They meekly accept whatever the clinic staff tells them , and are very reluctant to ask questions. They are scared that if they rock the boat, the medical staff will punish them by ignoring them or providing even worse care. After all, patients are very vulnerable and don't want to be seen as being troublemakers.

However, when patients put up with this sub-standard care, everyone suffers. Patients lose confidence in the medical system, and are not willing to trust any IVF clinic whatsoever. Because of their bad experience, they conclude that IVF treatment is a waste of time and money, and resign themselves to their fate.

The good news is that not all clinics are the same !

If you aren't happy with the quality of care you are getting at present, and feel that your doctor is not giving you enough personalised attention , please don't get disheartened or give up.

We don't employ any assistants in our clinic, which means we take care of all our patients ourselves. Our care is very "hands-on" and thanks to our many years of experience, we can individualise your treatent plan to maximise your chances of success. We take pride in treating our patients as VIPs ! We provide comprehensive services under one roof, including PGD and TESE. We don't do any unnecessary testing; and do not waste your time and money.

Want to find out more ? Please send me your medical details by filling in the form at so that I can guide you better !

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