Monday, July 15, 2013

The home pregnancy test showed two lines !

" Yes, it is a positive. I saw a positive hpt almost 4 years back, in 2009 January. If that embie had managed to become my baby, my child would have been three and a half years by now. I need to remember that little embie which gave me the strength to hold on to hope and keep trying. I am feeling so calm and serene. No overt emotions are there. After expecting this for a long time, I feel surprisingly numb. I am grateful that I had a positive. I know from now on it is a long journey and I wish I get the strength to face whatever comes my way. Surprisingly, I am not afraid of the future.
I take this opportunity to thank my Dr. I am a very difficult patient to deal with - both scientifically and emotionally. He was always kind and compassionate. He never made me feel that I am stupid or irrational. His team is as wonderful as he is. "
You can read the rest of the post at Manju's blog at
We are very excited and happy for Manju   - and our prayers and best wishes are with her.

A new journey now begins !

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Many Congratulations! and best wishes for many more successes Doctors.
