Monday, June 10, 2013

What every patient needs to know about the IVF lab

Saiprasad Gundeti
Senior Embryologist, Malpani Infertility Clinic

The IVF lab is the heart of an IVF clinic because this is where we grow and safeguard your precious embryos. The IVF lab equipment and the skills of embryologist play a very crucial role in IVF treatment, but most IVF patients are clueless about what happens in the lab. Let me take you behind the scenes, so you can get a peek as to what the embryologist does in the IVF lab.

Why should you bother ? Not only is it very important for IVF patients to do their research, so they can understand which of the many modern assisted reproductive technologies available today are best for them - they also need to select the best IVF clinic to maximise their chances of success ! The clinic can be only as good as the lab is - so in order to judge the competence of the lab, you need to do some homework for yourself !


1 comment:

  1. Guide to Optimizing IVF results by performing the right quality control like…..Optimize your results by performing simple quality control protocols for Incubators, Follicular aspiration pump,Fridge/ freezer – hot plates – hot blocks – stereo microscope – laminar flow – air control, embryo culture systems (culture media, equipments) and clean air technology. The IVFLab Facility is the most critical work area in the entire ART Centre.
