Thursday, June 27, 2013

Endometriosis - laparoscopy or IVF

Patients with endometriosis who are infertile are often very confused. They don't know which doctor they should go to ? Gynecologist ? Infertility specialist ? and what treatment they should take. The first point of consultation is usually their gynecologist - and most gynecologists usually advise doing a laparoscopy. This is usually a knee-jerk reflex - for many reasons. The importance of making the right diagnosis has been drilled into doctors right since Day 1 of medical school - and the only way of making a definitive diagnosis of endometriosis is a laparoscopy. They also sell the patient on this procedure, by telling them that will also allow them to "treat" the endometriosis in the same operation ! 



  1. Thanks for sharing. Really Interesting. Great Informative. I'll share this with my friends and acquaintances.

  2. Anonymous10:07 PM

    I have done my lapro for mild endo. after that i went low ovarian reserve zone even very young age. good article. lot of people dont no this.still i am sufferd alot with out baby.
