Monday, June 17, 2013

Doctor why did I miscarry ?

Miscarriage is always an emotionally painful event. When you are looking forward to having a baby, they losing the pregnancy can break your heart. It's much worse for infertile patients ! After all that waiting, when you finally get a positive pregnancy test, you are over the moon and start looking forward to holding your baby. However, if you then end up miscarrying, this is extremely cruel, because when someone gives you something and then snatches it away, it's much harder to cope with the pain and heartache.

Sometimes patients are confused as to what actually constitutes a miscarriage. A lot of them think that once a pregnancy test is positive ( when the hCG blood level is more than 10, this means that they are pregnant ; and that if this level drops, they have had a miscarriage. This is not true a positive.


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