Friday, January 18, 2013

Ten Commandments for medical clinic staff

I. The patient is never an interruption - the patient is your work. Everything else can wait !
II. Greet every patient with a friendly smile.
III. Call patients by their name.
  IV.  For patients, all staff members are as important as the doctor !
V. Never argue with a patient. Be a good listener.
VI.Never say, "I don't know."  Say – “ I will find out”.
VII. The patient pays your salary - treat him like your boss !
VIII. Choose positive words when speaking to a patient
IX. Brighten every patient's day.  This will make your own life happier.
X. Always go the extra mile. Exceeding patient expectations is the best way of keeping your patients loyal for life !

1 comment:

  1. Definitely words to live by in the health sector. We forget just how important every single patient is all too often in this profession.
