Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Cryptospermia or cryptozoospermia is not a very common condition, which is one of the reasons this diagnosis is often missed. The word crypto means hidden , and as the word suggests , patients with cryptospermia have occasional sperm in the semen , but because their numbers are so few , they are very difficult to find, and easy to miss. This is quite a common problem when the semen analysis is done in a general medical laboratory, where the laboratory technicians are not experienced , and don't know how to do the semen analysis properly.  A lot of technicians will do the microscopic analysis of the semen sample quite casually – and will report it is as having a zero sperm count or azoospermia , if they cannot see sperm in the first quick glance.

Read more at http://www.drmalpani.com/cryptozoospermia.htm

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  1. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Your article is an eye opening info for ivf patients like us.Thank u so much!

  2. Anonymous7:38 PM


    What does


  3. Hypo= less

    Hypospermatogenesis is a diagnosis a pathologist makes when checking the testis biopsy slides in the lab. If they show reduced sperm production in the seminiferous tubules, this is called hypospermatogenesis.

    Your best option would be TESE-ICSI. Read more at www.drmalpani.com/tesa.htm

  4. it is very significant to know the Cryptozoospermia, we can expect some sperm by tese pesa
