Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Before you start your IVF cycle - Advise from an expert patient !

Starting IVF treatment can be quite scary. There are so many myths and misconceptions, and it's hard to separate fact from fiction. Will the hormones make you fat ? Are the injections painful ? Will they increase your risk of breast cancer ? Is your IVF doctor the best ?

While your doctor will provide you with guidance, it's much better to get advise from the horse's mouth - someone who's " been there and done that" ! This is a guest post from our expert patient, Manju !

Read more at www.drmalpani.com/advise-from-an-expert-patient.htm
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  1. Dear Dr Malpani

    This is a truly outstanding piece of writing. It covers everything you could possibly need to know about the entire IVF process. You clearly know what you are talking about, and your professional knowledge clearly shines through. The IVF process and treatment can be a highly sensitive subject, but you've approached the subject with both tact and resolve.
    You are a testament to your field.

    Benenden Fertility

  2. Glad to find and read your blog. Really a great source of information on IVF. The advice on IVF you have shared here are useful and informative. Thanks for sharing it with us.
