Monday, December 05, 2011

IVF Surrogacy and Aamir Khan

Now that Aamir Khan has publicly acknowledged that he has had a baby using IVF surrogacy, surrogacy has become a hot topic once again in the news . As with every story, this will have a mixed impact - some good, and some bad.

The good impact is that surrogacy will now become much more acceptable as a method of family building. Celebs play a big role in influencing societal attitudes and the fact that Aamir Khan has used surrogacy to have a baby and has issued a press release stating this publicly means that many other infertile couples will want to learn more about this option.

The bad impact is that surrogacy will now become much more acceptable as a method of family building. Most infertile couples are pretty clueless about when surrogacy is an acceptable treatment option - and the danger is that since Aamir Khan has endorsed this option, many other infertile couples will follow blindly in his footsteps. The truth is that surrogacy is often misused, overused and abused. Using it for treating women who have had repeated IVF failures or miscarriages , even when their uterus is completely normal, is not good medical practise, in my opinion. However, it's much more lucrative for doctors, and now that Aamir Khan has given the practise his stamp of approval by using it personally, the overuse will multiply manifold.
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1 comment:

  1. such a awesome story i love it a lot very nice and great
