Friday, December 09, 2011

Is doing IVF for women with high FSH levels futile treatment ?

I recently saw a patient who begged me to do IVF for her. She had an extremely high FSH level of over 40 mIU/ml which clearly meant that she had ovarian failure. The chances of her being able to produce viable eggs which we would be able to use for IVF were extremely low. She was a thoughtful intelligent patient who had a clear understanding of her medical problem and also understood that her treatment options were extremely limited. She was very sure that she did not want to use donor eggs and was wondering if I would be willing to do an IVF cycle for her. She was quite hesitant about making this request because she had been refused by many IVF specialists in the past. She felt that I would also refuse her request, which is why she made this very tentatively.

I sat down and explained to her that as long she had realistic expectations from me and the treatment I could offer her , I would be happy to take her on as the patient. Read more to find out why.
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  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Is doing IVF for women with high FSH levels futile treatment ?

    Might be :)

    Is it ethical to treat them?

    Yes, if the patient is willing to and understands the pros and cons.

    In western countries they maintain a IVF register and they are forced to show high success rate inorder to be competent enough. I think that is the reason many doctors refuse to treat woman with high FSH more than ethical reasons. I have seen woman in high FSH forums conceive and give birth with their own eggs eventhough the odds are less. The author of inconceivable conceived naturally at the age of 42 with a very high FSH. So woman with high FSH have the chance to conceive. Even if the chance is very meagre it is wise to follow that particular woman's intuition.

    I have seen ayurvedic medicines work like magic for people with menstrual problems. Why can't we seek the help of ayurvedic practitioners too in order to find some magic potion like DHEA?

  2. Hello Dr,
    I am now 40 yrs old and trying to conceive since two years, last year done all the tests and found out that AMH is very low and FSH is too high , for IVF, doctor suggested to do blood test every week to see if the FSH changes and comes down. With very high FSH I am not a candidate for IVF, also almost a year now i am not getting my period, few months back went through acupuncture and Chinese medicine however FSH didn't come down.
    I want to know if there are any medication for my case, anything that can help me conceive? Also should I just go for IVF , will it be of any help?
    I don't have children and with my case, I'm devastated, Can you please suggest, that will be of great help, Thanks!!!

    1. I am sorry, but your high FSH level confirms you have ovarian failure.
      You can read more about this at

      Your best option would be donor egg IVF ( or embryo adoption (

      Which would you prefer ?

      Time is now at a premium for you – please don’t waste it ! When you are 70 years old and looking back at your life, you should never have any regrets that you left any stone unturned and didn’t give yourself the best shot at fertility treatment. Treatment can be expensive, but a baby is priceless !

      Taking treatment at a world-class clinic will maximize your chances of success and give you peace of mind you did your best !

      We look forward to helping you to have a baby !

      Dr Aniruddha Malpani, MD
      Malpani Infertility Clinic, Jamuna Sagar, SBS Road, Colaba
      Mumbai 400 005. India

      Clinic Mobile: 9867441589

      Tel: 91-22-22151065, 22151066, 2218 3270, 65527073

      Helping you to build your family !

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      Watch our infertility cartoon film at

      Read our book, How to Have a Baby - A Guide for the Infertile Couple,
      online at !

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      relationship at
