Saturday, February 26, 2011

A role model for patients !

Every once in a while I meet someone who restores my faith in humanity !

I took Mr and Mrs Rao to HELP today. They lost their young son, Satyajit ( Jeet) , who was in the prime of his life, to a fulminant T-cell lymphoma in USA in 1996. The untimely sudden loss of a grown up son can be the worst tragedy which could befall any parents. However, rather than wallowing in grief or cursing God, they set up JASCAP in 1996, in memory of their son, to help cancer patients with Information Therapy.

Over the last 15 years, on a shoe-string budget, they have published and distributed over 150000 copies of patient educational material on cancer in many Indian languages ! They started by selling books ( on a non-profit basis) from a briefcase outside a doctor's clinic in Tata Memorial Hospital . They now publish and distribute over 300 different publications about cancer in English and other Indian languages ( yes, English is an Indian language ! There are more Indians who speak English than there are Englishmen !)

Their mission has kept them young and full of energy. His favourite quote is - Find purpose and the means will follow ! I think Mr and Mrs Rao are great role models for patients and caregivers - they have transmuted their personal suffering , and evolved into citizens on a mission to help others.

This needs lots of guts and courage - but is the best memorial to their son, whose memory they have kept alive through their efforts !

HELP looks forward to working with JASCAP to promote patient education in India !

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1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dr. Malpani and everyone who is associated with H.E.L.P for words of praise for JASCAP. Indeed, one must always find cause and the means will follow..... We look forward to a great partnership with H.E.L.P. to promote interests of Cancer patients worldwide in the near future. Thanks-a-million, once again, for your most sincere words.

    - Dr. Hemant Borkar and every one at JASCAP family
