Thursday, December 23, 2010

Our quest for a baby - success at last !

We got married in November 2005. We felt the need to have our third member in the family at the end of the year 2007. Even after trying for six months we got no result.
We contacted gynaecologist from one renowned hospital near our residence at Kolkata. After doing some routine blood test, hormone level test, USG etc. of wife, doctor opined that except two- three small size cysts (less than 30 mm in maximum dimension), which are harmless, everything is fine. We were told to try for another three months at some particular days of wife’s menstrual cycle.

After three months, in September 2008, we again contacted Doctor as there was no positive result. This time doctor prescribed Semen Analysis for husband. In Semen Analysis, sperm count was found to be nil. Doctor said that we have no other option but to take the help of donor sperm or donor embryo to have a baby.

After searching in the internet, we got address of Manipal Hospital, Bangalore. On visit in March 2009, Andrologist at Manipal Hospital prescribed a repeat Semen Analysis. The result was same as the previous one. He advised to undergo one micro-surgery of husband to detect the problem. He said after this micro-surgery, on the availability of healthy sperm, future course of action (IVF with sperm from husband or donor) would be decided.
In June 2009, the above micro-surgery was done at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore and it was found that husband is suffering from Absence of Bi-lateral Vas Deferens (ABLVD). 1st IVF cycle was done with few motile sperm taken from husband through TESA (Testicular Sperm Aspiration). Some sperms were cryo-preserved at infertility clinic of hospital itself for future use. Eggs were taken from wife after prescribed dose of hormonal injection for super-ovulation.
Embryo quality was poor in this cycle. Out of two embryos fertilized in the process, one was transferred. But it did not get implanted and cycle failed.

In January 2010, 2nd IVF cycle was done at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore with husband’s sperm taken from preserved lot of earlier cycle. Eggs were taken from wife as in earlier cycle. This time the treatment protocol as well as dose of hormonal injection was different.
Embryo quality was poor in this cycle. Out of three embryos fertilized in the process, one was transferred. But it did not get implanted and cycle failed.

Search for Alternative Clinic:
After further searching in the internet, we got address of Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai. It was altogether a different experience.

The website of clinic is very informative, well designed and very user friendly. Basic knowhow of human infertility, various treatment procedure etc. are available there. Persons suffering from infertility can create their own account in the website for regular interaction with doctor. It is the clinic of doctor-duo Dr. Aniruddh Malpani & Dr. Anjali Malpani.

We submitted our query, stating all our previous medical history, to them.
We were advised to do one blood test (AMH test) of wife, at designated diagnostic centre of Kolkata. As the test report was submitted it was promptly replied with a detailed plan of next IVF cycle at their clinic.


In September 2010, 3rd IVF cycle was done at Malpani Infertility Clinic Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai with husband’s sperm taken through PESA. Eggs were taken from wife as in earlier cycles. This time the dose of hormonal injection was maximum.
Cyst aspiration was done before ET (Embryo Transfer).
Embryo quality was very good in this cycle. Four no. A-grade embryos were fertilized in this cycle out of which three nos. was transferred. Wife was advised to take some medicines and do the blood test after 15 days.
Blood Test for pregnancy (β-HCG) was done 15 days after ET and it was positive.
Now wife is three months pregnant and condition of fetus is healthy.
Thus our dream of having our own baby fulfilled !!

(Name and address withheld)

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