Sunday, January 24, 2010

My doctor refused to give me a copy of my IVF treatment !

Patients often come to me for a second opinion when their first IVF cycle fails and it breaks my heart when I see how poorly informed they are . Most are completely clueless about even basic facts of their treatment , such as how many eggs were retrieved and what the quality of their embryos was ! When I ask them for a printed treatment summary, a very common answer is - The clinic keeps all the files and does not give us any medical details. Some say that even when they specifically requested the doctor for a copy, the doctor refused to provide one , because it is against the clinic policy to do so ! I think this is ridiculous ! Patients have a legal right to all their medical records - the doctor has no choice in this matter. He is legally obliged to give you a copy of your treatment summary - period. If you find your doctor is being difficult, make a request in writing , with a copy to the hospital administrator. If even this produces no results, ask your lawyer to write a letter on your behalf.

Ignorance is not bliss - and you cannot afford to remain unaware of what is happening during your IVF treatment !

If your IVF clinic does not routinely provide you with a written summary of your treatment cycle and photos of your embryos, then this is a red flag ! And if they refuse to provide you with these, even after you request them to , this is a major black mark against them - and is a strong sign that you should look for another clinic . After all, why should a good clinic hide anything ?

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