Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The vicious cycle of unhappy doctors and unhappy patients

A patient just sent me this email.

Dear Dr. Malpani, I would like to congratulate you on your very informative website. I am a Kenyan lady , 39 years old, married to a German. We live in Uganda. I have had 2 unsuccessful IVF-ICSI treatments in Germany. My experience at the clinic was quite painful. The doctors are all stressed and do not take time for their patients. My doctor never even bothered to say hello or even explain anything. I was stupid to go back to the same clinic for a second attempt. But anyways i have learnt from my mistakes. What caught my attention on you website was your emphasis on patient care. I believe the chances of success also greatly have to do with how the patient is feeling during treatment and also the doctor/patient relationship. I am seriously considering your clinic as an option.


She has expressed the anguish which patients feel when they have to deal with ultra-busy doctors very well. It's not as if these doctors don't care about their patients. Unfortunately, they are so burdened with administrative tasks and paperwork, that most of them forget even their basic manners. While it's doctors who have to dear the brunt of the daily thankless grind, in the long run it will be patients who suffer when they fall ill ! This is one of the reasons why alternative medicine doctors do a much better job at hand-holding their patients ! They don't have to worry about filling in forms and watching the clock !

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