Thursday, September 17, 2009

Virtual reality and second life for medical training

At Imperial College London, medical students navigate a full-service hospital where they see patients, order X-rays, consult with colleagues and make diagnoses.
An avatar approaches a virtual patient in a hospital inside the  online world Second Life.

It's an interactive, hands-on learning experience -- and none of it is real.

These prospective doctors are treating virtual patients in Second Life, the Internet world where users interact through online alter egos called avatars. The third-year med students are taking part in a pilot program for game-based learning, which educators believe can be a stimulating change from lectures and textbooks.


  1. I think these e third-year med students who are taking part in a pilot program for game-based learning, which educators believe can be a stimulating change from lectures and textbooks are very much lucky .Medical Locum Work

  2. Hopefully we'll see game based learning improve! From the game to learn team
