Monday, September 28, 2009

Medikidz - comic books for teaching children about health

Medikidz- - comic books for teaching children about health: "Follow the adventures of the Medikidz comic book superheroes. Blending fun with fact, the Medikidz help kids learn about health and disease in a humorous and engaging way. New titles every month, so check back regularly!"

This is a very clever way of involving children . It uses a comic book story format to teach them about their health and is an excellent example of edutainment . The comic books are packed with useful information, which I am sure even parents will find very helpful !

What I especially like about this series is the fact that it shows that it's possible to explain complex medical concepts in simple terms which even a child can understand ! I think if doctors take the trouble, it's possible to explain to every patient ( even illiterate ones !) what they need to know about their bodies. In fact, I think it would be a great project to try to adapt this same information to low-literacy populations !

I met Dr Kim Chilman-Blair today. She is the CEO and is very keen on distributing the comic books to Indian children. The challenge will be make sure they reach out to as many children as possible, without charging the children a lot of money.

I feel every pediatrician's clinic should have a complete set of these comic books for their patients - and hopefully , a generous pharmaceutical company will subsidise this !

These would be a great value-addition for every school library too - after all, children need to learn about their health and these books will encourage them to read and explore !

Any NGO which deals with children should also invest in a set for their library.

And every Pediatric Department in every hospital should have a complete set too !

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:16 PM

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