Wednesday, July 09, 2008

medinnovationblog: Maine Notes: A Biggerer Idea for Microsoft, Digitizing Patient Stories as the Basis for Personal Health Records

medinnovationblog: Maine Notes: A Biggerer Idea for Microsoft, Digitizing Patient Stories as the Basis for Personal Health Records: "The end product is a clinical narrative containing the essential elements contributing to their health status with the pertinent health data. The patient can take this narrative home with them after leaving the doctor's office. Both patients and doctors can subsequently add to the story, adding new findings and test results and adding to the record.

Patient story telling, and physicians adding to the story, may seem overly simplistic. But let us not forget the story of mankind and of medicine is nothing more than compilations of individual stories."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:00 AM

    I have been following your Blog and your interest in Personal Health Records. Please take a look at . Because every account has there own personal telephone number a user can have any document from any doctor, health care professional, lab or radiologist added to there accont in seconds. This pattened process makes it easy for any patient anywhere to keep an updated PHR.
