Thursday, May 22, 2008 » Push vs. Pull: EHRs or PHRs?: a hosted discussion on innovation in health care » Push vs. Pull: EHRs or PHRs?: a hosted discussion on innovation in health care: "President Bush has set a goal for every American to have an electronic health record (EHR) by 2014. But how do we reach this goal most efficiently and effectively?

I’m seeing two schools of thought emerge. These schools of thought are based on classic push vs. pull strategies from Marketing 101:

* “Push” doctors and hospitals to adopt EHRs, who will then educate consumers on the availability and uses of health and medical information
* “Pull” the end consumer to use PHRs, who will then put pressure on doctors and hospitals to adopt EHRs"


  1. Anonymous2:40 AM

    Dear Dr. Malpani,
    We tried IVF after trying to have a second child for almost 5 years.We were given the reason unexplained infertility.We live in US and in my first cycle luperon didnt agree and I who usually responded so well to even clomid was slow so the cycle was cancelled. In my 2nd chance 4 months later I could start with 300IU of follistim in morning, and 75 IU in evening the generelix injection was started in between and we did HCG 10000 IU we could find 17 eggs and of which 13 were retrived and all had eggs in them so they tried ICSI with 7 and then told us that 5 had fertilized of which the best 2 were done assisted hatching and day 3 transfer of grade 2 eight celled embroyos. Medrol was given and progesterone intramuscular injection were also taken religously but no implantation occured and its -ve HCG of 0.2 and 0.3 after 2 days( day 28th) I want to know what can be done more to improve my chances? I am 37 and my husband 39 and we have a child conceived normally in the year 2000 in india. We desperately want a 2nd child for his sake Can you suggest?
    Thanks and Regards.

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM


    It is a great post and I like it.
