Thursday, May 15, 2008

The Trillion Dollar Challenge

The Trillion Dollar Challenge: "My MD and Me spokesman said, 'If the patient does not pay the doctor a barrier is placed between them and costs are inflated. Think about it like a grocery store. You get coupons, great service. You know who offers the best value by shopping around, word of mouth from friends and reputations in the community. This changes if the customer stops paying the bill. What is the incentive to know the cost if you do not pay the bill? What is the stores' incentive to give good service? How does the consumer know who offers the best value?' he continued, 'Service naturally declines because the ?customer' is not the person getting the milk, but the person paying for it. The costs naturally increase through artificial inflation. The only way this stops is to putting the customer in charge of the dollars being spent.'"

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