Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Value-Based Health Benefits Pay Off for P&G

Value-Based Health Benefits Pay Off for P&G:

"P&G's 'Healthy Living brand' is built on the following principles:

* Partnership--working with employees and their families to maintain or improve their health and wellness
* Quality--supporting initiatives that promote health care quality and help to identify the best health care providers for employees
* Prevention--decreasing barriers to preventive health care in order to reduce the burdens and costs of illness

To help implement the brand, in 2006 alone, P&G began to offer the following preventive benefits and incentives:

* A $40 incentive for employees who complete an online health risk appraisal
* An $80 incentive for completion of weight loss and smoking cessation programs
* A $160 incentive for completion of a one-to-one personalized condition management program (for conditions such as diabetes, congestive heart failure, coronary heart disease, and depression)

Some of the early program successes that P&G can report now include:
* 40 percent of eligible employees have completed wellness assessments
* 78 percent of those eligible for condition management have enrolled in a program
* More employees have become compliant with taking prescriptions for their conditions (such as diabetes) while overall medical costs have dropped."

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